Page 8 of I Married A Catman
“To my new home to unpack and settle in,” I said mockingly while showing him my bag.
My fist itched to punch him in the throat when he glanced at me with a fake air of guilt and commiseration.
“Ah yes… I’m afraid the one you built is no longer available. Hopefully, you hold no hard feelings towards me for settling inside it with my younglings?”
I clamped down on the anger wanting to resurface, knowing he was deliberately needling me for that very purpose.
I shrugged and looked at him with a nonchalant expression. “Why would I? I was gone for twelve years. Had no one takenresidence within it, it would have decayed and then become but a shadow of what I had built.”
“Right. It is very understanding of you,” Moriak conceded begrudgingly.
“Obviously, I was sad to have had so little time to enjoy it. But then, who would have guessed I would get arrested barely a week after completing its construction?” I added, locking eyes with him.
He swallowed hard and averted his eyes with a slightly nervous smile. “Yes, quite the tragedy that no one could have anticipated. After all, you always returned from your previous missions.”
I stopped and turned to look at him, forcing him to do the same.
“Indeed, I did. And I will continue to do so. No matter what hurdles or challenges are thrown at me, I willalwaysreturn home,” I said, the intensity of my stare making it clear that should he try to get rid of me again in the future, he would face a truly formidable foe.
“We want nothing more than that, Gaelec. Like I said, we could use an additional strong hunter,” Moriak replied, pretending not to understand my underlying meaning.
Obviously, he would never confess to the wrongs he levied against me and other young males, but I would remind him daily that I was no longer an easily manipulated cub.
I resumed walking, and he shadowed me in silence for a short while. I almost told him to just spit it out or piss off as I didn’t particularly enjoy his companionship. But I was too intrigued by what else he might have to say to risk alienating him.
“I understand you saw Oluina after her return from the hunt?” he asked at last, although it was more of a statement than an actual question.
I barely repressed the urge to roll my eyes. Wasthatwhat this was all about?!
“That’s correct,” I replied in a noncommittal fashion.
“She must have been excited to see you,” he continued, trying to sound casual about it.
I shrugged. “You could say that. But I want to believe any member of the Pride would be pleased to see any one of us safely returned home.”
“Right. But your case is slightly different,” he admitted begrudgingly, his voice hardening that I was forcing him to spell things out. “Therefore, I figured you would want to know that Oluina was in heat not even ten days ago. For all we know, she could be pregnant with my cubs as we speak.”
I snorted and gave him a disbelieving look. “If that is the case, congratulations to the both of you. But I’m confused as to why you felt the need to share that information with me.”
He gave me a ‘Don’t be dense’ look that made me feel even more amused by how pathetically insecure he was showing himself to be.
“Are you seriously going to tell me this does not upset you?” he challenged.
It suddenly struck me that, as much as he feared competition, his ego demanded that other males should covet what he considered his. Otherwise, if they didn’t, it implied that what he thought valuable actually wasn’t.
“Why would it upset me? Oluina and I had a youthful fling more than twelve years ago. She moved on, as have I. Life is too short to live in the past. I am looking forward to the future and new possibilities, not to repeat history.”
“That’s good to hear. But you’re a Stellig,” Moriak argued, his face taking on a stubborn expression. “Females are drawn to that and to the type of offspring a male like you could sire on them.”
Although I shrugged again, I couldn’t help the taunting smile that stretched my lips. I was indeed a Stellig. It was a rare genetic trait that displayed as lightning-shaped streaks in our fur and hair. According to legends, Stelligs were supposed to be blessed by the gods. We were bigger, stronger, and faster than the average male. We also possessed an increased resistance to disease and toxins. Obviously, it had nothing to do with any type of gods but merely genetics. Nevertheless, it made us appealing sires. Although females never developed those markings, those sired by one of us tended to show our other traits. It was the surest way to become the Head Huntress of the Pride or even to ascend to the role of Matriarch.
“Be that as it may, females have the right to like whatever they want, but that doesn’t mean I am obligated to submit to their wishes.”
He pinched his lips, visibly not convinced. I almost asked him why the fuck he was so concerned about where I spilled my seed. Unless something drastic occurred, Oluina was pretty much guaranteed to become the next Head Matriarch. So long as I didn’t covet her, and he kept other potential competition at bay, he should encourage me to turn my attention towards other females.
“Very well. As for Ylis—”
“Look,” I interrupted, making no effort to show my annoyance, “I just got home from a grueling experience and simply want some peace and to relax. Beyond the fact that Ylis is a sister to me, I’m not looking for a mate right now. So stop fretting. I’m not here to compete with any male.”