Page 50 of Daddy's Claim
“Fuck you. This little bitch isn’t getting out of here alive.”
“Killing her gets you nothing.”
Marissa let out a short, sharp laugh. “Killing her gets meeverything.”
“You shouldn’t have come.” My lip quivered as I spoke and my throat ached from the effort to hold back tears. I didn’t want him here. If something happened to him because of my stupidity—
“Shutup.” Pain shot through my head and my vision swam as she jabbed the barrel into my temple again.
“Marissa!” Still moving to his left, hands in the air, Mikey growled her name and the pressure on my head eased. “Tell me what you want and I’ll make it happen. Just leave Nora out of it.”
“She wants a war!” If I was going to die anyway, I was going to damn well make sure someone knew why. “My father will blame you. I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, Mikey please just go, save yourself! I’m already dead.”
“You always did talk too much.” I could practically hear the smug smile in Marissa’s voice. “But I suppose it doesn’t matter if he knows the end game. It’s not like dear old Dad will listen to any excuses the DeCostas come up with. He gave you to them, which means he trusted them to keep you alive. And they failed.”
With the gun still pressed against my head, I clearly heard the sound of it cocking and I met Mikey’s shockingly calm gaze. Swallowing hard, I forced the words I hadn’t had a chance to say past the tightness in my throat. “I love you, Daddy. I’m so, so sorry.”
“Jesus Christ. Daddy? You really are pathetic, you know—”
The sound of glass shattering cut off the rest of her diatribe, followed by a loud, sickening thud. There was a moment of complete, deafening silence.
And then chaos exploded around me.
Half a dozen men carrying long black guns raced into the warehouse at the same time Mikey rushed forward, swearing loudly as he yanked at the ropes binding me to the chair.
“Fuck it,” he growled, pulling a knife from his pocket. “Stay still, princess.”
I was pretty sure I wasn’t moving, but just in case I held my breath as he sliced through my bonds. And then I was up, in his arms, pressed against his broad chest just as the tremors started.
“God. Mikey. Daddy.” Wrapping my arms around his neck, I buried my face against his skin. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”
“Shh. It’s okay, princess. You’re safe, now. Daddy’s here.”
“It’s my fault. It’s all my fault. I was stupid. You should have just let her—”
“You do not want to finish that sentence, little girl.” Fury infused every syllable and his grip on me tightened to the point I was struggling to pull enough oxygen into my lungs. “You’re already in for the spanking of a lifetime, so I would suggest you be very careful about what you say next.”
One of the men chuckled and embarrassed heat flooded my face. “You’ve got your hands full with that one, big brother.”
“You’re telling me,” Mikey muttered. “Can you take things from here?”
“I’ve got it under control. You get our girl home and into bed. I expect you to pamper her good and proper before you give her the ass blistering she has coming.”
Lifting my head, I glared at the man watching me with a charming smile that didn’t quite meet his eyes. “Who the hell are you?”
With a theatrical gasp, the man pressed a hand over his heart. “I’m wounded you would even have to ask that, sis. I’m Luca. Your husband’s younger, better looking, and much better dressed brother.”
Now that he’d said that I could see the similarities. Although Mikey was larger in pretty much every way, and Luca had eschewed the beard for a clean-shaven look, there was no denying the similarities. “Nice to meet you. Now, please stop discussing me like I’m not right fucking here.”
To my surprise, Luca threw back his head and let out a long, cackling laugh. “Oh, I like her. I think we’re going to be best friends, little sister.”
“Not if you keep telling my husband to spank me, we aren’t.”
“Sorry, not sorry. You have it coming for thinking for even one single second you weren’t worth saving.”
Suddenly exhausted, I dropped my head onto my husband’s shoulder. “I wanna go home.”
“Your wish is my command, princess. Luca, I’ll check in later.”