Page 2 of Hometown Cowboy
Ryan flipped her backward in a low dip, totally at odds with the fast beat of the music.
Darby’s laughter disappeared amongst the loud music, swallowed by the noise and general hubbub of the conversation surrounding them.
He pulled her close. She threw her arms around his neck as he swung her off in the other direction across the dance floor.
They stopped at the bar on the other side of the room. Darby struggled to get air deep into her lungs. Ryan grabbed two glasses of cold water and handed her one. His own amusement spilled from his face as he watched her fanning herself to cool down.
“I don’t think I’ve danced so much in my life. You’re gonna kill me.”
Darby glanced at her watch. “It’s only eleven. You’re a bit of a slacker if you can’t keep up.”
“I can keep up all right.” A cheeky grin had her shaking her head.
“You really don’t have to act the fun-time playboy with me. You seem to forget that I’ve known you since I can remember. Flirting with me is a bit pointless, don’t you think?”
Ryan shrugged, his suit jacket having long been relegated to hanging over the back of his chair at the bridal table. Wide shoulders and the smooth planes of his chest stretched the slim-fitted, formal shirt. Darby averted her eyes, too tempted, worried she might do something stupid in front of everyone at her brother’s wedding.
“Oh, I don’t know about that.” He gave her the once-over, a slight smile tilting his wide mouth. He raised an eyebrow. “Who wouldn’t want to have a hot chick on their arm at the wedding of the year?”
Darby shook her head in exasperation. “I don’t know so much about the wedding of the year, but Iwilltake hot chick. Do you have any idea how long it took to get ready?”
Ryan faced her fully. “I’d like to say not long, because you always look good, but I’m guessing from that comment that it took a damn long time.”
The heat in Darby’s cheeks intensified, and it had nothing to do with their spin around the dance floor. She decided to ignore the part where he said she always looked good and went with sarcasm instead.
“Yeah, because being covered in baker’s flour every day is so damn sexy. Can’t you see? I have men dripping from my fingertips. They simply can’twaitto take me out.”
Ryan went to reply, only to be interrupted by the MC calling for everyone to stand as Gabe and Emma headed for the door.
Ryan wolf-whistled as everyone clapped and cheered as the bride and groom passed them. Gabe grabbed her in a tight hug and kissed her cheek.
“Make sure you have a damn good time tonight, Darb.”
He got to Ryan and threw his arm around his neck, pulling him close. “Thanks, man. I couldn’t have done this without you.”
Ryan grinned at his best friend. Darby’s attention was taken by Emma giving her a quick hug, a lowthank youbeing whispered in her ear.
“Any time, dude,” Ryan replied.
“I mean it. You’re the closest thing I have to a brother.”
Ryan’s loud laughter pulled Darby’s attention back. “I think Simon and Max might have something to say about that.”
Gabe laughed and stepped back. He winked at Ryan. “Just behave yourself, hey? Don’t go breakin’ any hearts tonight.”
Ryan’s face tightened and a strange look clouded his eyes momentarily. He shoved at Gabe’s shoulder, pushing him toward the door. “Get outta here. Emma’s waiting for you.”
Ryan rubbed a hand over his face as the door closed behind them. He turned to Darby.
“You know what? I think I might hit the road too.”
Darby looked outside. The cloudy day had given way to a drizzly night, droplets combining to streak down the wide windows. Even though it was late summer, being so far up in the mountains made it cold when it rained.
“Dad brought my car for me. I can give you a lift if you like?”
Ryan nodded. “Yeah, that sounds like a plan. I don’t feel like getting wet today. Are you parked around back?”
“Sure am. Meet you out there at the car in a minute.”