Page 21 of Hometown Cowboy
Darby spun around and grabbed Emma’s hands and gave in and bounced on the spot.
“I have another sister, a real live actual sister!”
Emma squeezed back just as hard as Darby had. “Yeah, pretty cool, hey?” Emma leaned in close to Darby’s face, her grin wide. “Don’t worry, we missed you just as much, if not more.” Emma jerked her head in Gabe’s direction. “Him especially.”
Gabe just grinned unrepentantly at them all and shrugged a shoulder. “Lies and slander, all of it.”
Their mother came up close and swatted at Gabe’s hand as he went back for the food. “Get out of it. You’ll have it all eaten before it’s even ready. Why don’t you guys wash up and the boys can start with the meat on the barbecue.”
Darby picked up the knife again to cube some cheese. She tried to sound as nonchalant as possible. “So, have you seen Ryan yet?”
Gabe looked over his shoulder as he had started to walk toward the hallway. “No, but he’ll be here soon. He updated me on our way back about everything that was going on.”
Darby’s stomach somersaulted.
I bet he did.Not.
She crossed her arms, annoyed. “Oh, so you answerhismessages.”
Gabe chuckled and turned and kept walking. “Well yeah, because he didn’t leave me seventeen messages in forty-five minutes.”
Darby grabbed a cheese cube and pegged it at Gabe’s retreating back. “I hate you!”
Gabe’s laugh echoed back at her. “No, you don’t.”
Her mum pointed at the cheese on the floor. “Go pick that up, missy.”
Emma slid up onto a bar stool as Darby went to do as she was told. “Boy, I’ve missed you lot.”
Darby scooped up the piece of cheese, now mangled beyond belief, and sent her a beatific smile. “Then don’t leave us again.”
Raucous laughter anda general hubbub of loud noise echoed around the Jameson’s entertainment area. People milled around everywhere or sat around the large outdoor dining table. Darby smiled as she watched her mother shaking her head and pointing at the meat marinating in various containers in front of her father.
Emma’s voice sounded from over her shoulder. “Well? Do you have anything to tell me?”
Darby raised an eyebrow and tried to look as innocent as possible. “Like what?”
Emma bit into a slice of cucumber that had been sitting on the top of the salad that she was holding.
“Oh, I don’t know, abouthim,” she murmured, nodding in Ryan’s direction where he stood with the men huddled around the barbecue. “Typical, isn’t it? Go anywhere near a barbecue and there’s blokes hanging around it like flies. You couldn’t shoo them away if you tried.”
Darby leaned over the table and grabbed the pitcher of juice. “At least it makes them useful.” She winked at Emma and tried not to laugh.
She took a sip of her juice and tried not to stare as Ryan left the group and went inside, disappearing down the hallway.
Emma turned and leaned her butt on the table and crossed her arms. Her position forced Darby to look at her fully.
“Well? Did anything happen after the wedding?”
Darby sighed. It looked like Emma wasn’t moving without getting an answer. She bit her bottom lip to stop the massive grin exploding across her mouth. “Yes.”
Emma’s eyes rounded like saucers and she grabbed Darby’s shoulder, leaning in close. “And? Don’t keep me in suspense!”
Darby met her gaze and let the huge grin free. “Never let it be said that he’s not incredible.”
Emma looked fit to explode with excitement. She looked so happy that Darby couldn’t help laughing. Anyone would think that it had beenherthat had got lucky.