Page 31 of Hometown Cowboy
Ryan grabbed her by the back of the head and smacked a kiss on her lush mouth, a mouth that was winding up to tell him off in no uncertain terms.
He’d meant it as a peck, a playful tease, but by the time he pulled away, Darby wasn’t the only one breathing heavier.
“Well, that was unexpected.” At his raised eyebrow, Darby laughed and continued, “But very welcome.”
“They’re lookin’ good.” Ryan gestured to the huge variety of vegetable plants in front of him.
Darby beamed. “You’re not the only one who can grow things well, Mister Thomas.”
He reached over and plucked a tiny weed from near the snow pea seedling. “Don’t I know it. You’ve always had a brilliant veggie patch.”
Darby leaned back and eyed him, her head tilted to the side. He tried to avoid her gaze.
“What’s up?”
“Nothing. Why would there be?”
Darby made a noncommittal sound in the back of her throat that brought his head up.
“It’s lunchtime on a Wednesday. I never see you at this time on a workday unless it’s at the bakery for something to eat. And even that’s rare. Were you looking for dessert first?”
He frowned, confused by her meaning.
She blew out a breath and rolled her eyes. “You know, hanky-panky. Afternoon delight. Nookie.”
Ryan burst out laughing. “Did you seriously just saynookie? Are we back in high school?”
Darby bit her lip, looking like she was trying to not laugh herself.
“Well at least you understood that.”
He tilted her head up and smiled slowly. “It wasn’t why I came ’round, but it’s a pretty good idea.”
He brushed his mouth over hers and tried to hide the shudder that thundered down his spine. Her mouth was addictive, delectable, a complete and utter aphrodisiac to him. He lifted her up onto the side of the hardwood sleepers that made up the sides of the raised garden and settled himself between her knees.
Darby grinned against his lips. “I could get used to this. Have a day off; have a hot guy seduce me in my garden.”
Ryan chuckled and slid his hands beneath her butt to settle her closer. “Terrible scandal, that.”
“Whatever will the neighbours think…” Darby murmured.
Mildred Appleton.
Ryan sucked in a much-needed breath and kissed her neck, forcing himself to slow down and think.
“You know, I heard something way-out this morning. Far-fetched even for our Mildred Appleton.”
Darby stiffened. “Like what?”
She hadn’t pulled away from him, but he felt her withdrawal nonetheless. The sudden stillness, as if she were holding her breath.
He leaned back and stared at her. “That you’re pregnant. Which I know is a load of rubbish because you would’ve told me something that important.”
Her face closed over and his gut dropped to his toes. Sudden nausea churned and goosebumps broke out all over him.