Page 53 of Hometown Cowboy
Darby nodded and sucked her bottom lip into her mouth.
Ryan gasped, his gaze fastened on her mouth. His stomach clenched and somersaulted. Goosebumps broke out on his entire body. Intense craving flooded him.
Hell, no!That was strictly a no-go zone. Darby was so far out of his orbit that even thinking about it was wrong. He swallowed with difficulty and shook his head. What was wrong with him? He clenched his hands on his knees. They were shaking, dammit!
Why? Sure, he was attracted to her, always had been. But this was a whole new level of insane. A whole new level ofstay away.
He’d managed to keep his promise to Gabe this far, no matter how much he’d railed against the—what he now considered ridiculous—order to stay away from her. It wasn’t like they were eighteen anymore.
But his friendship with Gabe meant everything. The whole Jameson family meant everything. He refused to jeopardise that. She was too important, too special to risk on some weird lust-thing. She was too damned good for him.
Darby rubbed at her face. She tried to smile, a half-hearted effort that she gave up on. “We had the wedding. You’ve seen the wedding photos, right?”
He nodded. Gabe had shown him. Darb had looked particularly incredible. Seeing her in her bridesmaid outfit had made his breath catch and his heart actually ache.
“I took you home because you didn’t drive, and your mum left early.” A bright rush of colour flushed her cheeks. “We spent the night together here, at your place.”
An incredulous laugh barked out before he could stop it.If only.
That was something he wouldneverdo. He’d never risk their friendship, or mess around with her in that way.
He relaxed back into the rear of the chair, relief making him giddy. He pointed a finger at her and shook his head.
“You almost had me for a moment there.”
Darby’s expression hadn’t changed. If anything, she looked almost grim.
Ryan’s relief gave way to worry. “Why aren’t you saying anything?”
She sighed heavily. “Because it’s the truth. We spent the night together, and many nights over the next couple of weeks. We also had unprotected sex the day Gabe and Emma came back from their honeymoon.” She stared into him, as if diving into his soul. “I’m pregnant. Doc Farrell reckons I’m only six weeks along. I don’t want to get too comfortable with it yet, you know? Not until after the whole three-month thing is up.”
Ryan knew his mouth hung open in complete and utter shock, but for the life of him, he had no words. His brain was completely numb.
“I would never… Darby, I… Iwouldn’tsleep with you! I would never jeopardise our friendship. I would never touch you!”
Hurt flashed across her face. “Why? Because Gabe is more important to you than being with me?”
“No! It has nothing to do with Gabe.You’retoo important! Why would youwantto sleep with me anyway? I’m a crap prospect. You deserve so much more than that. So much more than I could ever offer someone like you.”
“You seriously didn’t say that.” Darby’s eyes widened, as if realising something. “You really think you’re not good enough for me? Is that what I’m hearing? Has that been your problem all along?”
Ryan scraped his hand through his hair. His gut somersaulted at her pinpointing exactly what was rabbiting around in his head. Shewastoo good for him. Always had been.
“Don’t be ridiculous.” He needed to divert her. “Was I an arsehole to you?” he managed.
Darby leaned forward and took his hands in hers. Her earnest eyes seared him. “No! Quite the opposite actually. You didn’tlistentoo well, but you weren’t horrible or anything. We fought because you wouldn’t let go of the idea that the baby had to have its father there with me. You asked me to marry you.”
A strangled noise came from the back of his throat. He couldn’t breathe. His vision dulled and he closed his eyes.
She was serious. She was pregnant, and it was his.
He leaned forward, his hands beside him gripping the edge of the chair. His head hung as he tried to get that much-needed air into his lungs.
Darby kneeled beside him. “Just breathe, Ryan. Just breathe.”
He shook his head. “I-I can’t,” he rasped.