Page 30 of Be My Baby
Max blinked. “No! Of course not. Shit. I mean, yes, but…” He closed his eyes and shook his head again. “This isn’t coming out right at all.”
“Neither are your words,” Millie said wryly.
Max let out a loud bark of laughter at her implied inference. Her cheeky tone caught him off-guard. “Hey, my guys swim fine. I got checked.” He winked and grinned at her. “Seriously though, all research points to that as being the most effective form of delivery.”
She regarded him carefully. “Yes, I read the same thing. I just assumed you wouldn’t want to go…there… Do it that way.”
Max settled a little more comfortably in the chair and regarded her as frankly as she was him. “You like sex, I assume?”
Millie let out a snort and slapped her hand over her mouth, laughing, loosening up a little now that she was relaxing. “Who doesn’t?”
Max raised a brow and waited.
“Yes. Of course I like sex.”
“Me too. It’s been… a while, for me.” Max nodded and swung an ankle up on one knee. “So, there’s no reason we can’t do it that way and enjoy ourselves a little. Right? Particularly if it gives us a better chance at conception. You don’t have to answer now, just think about it. Let me know before you ovulate again.”
Millie gripped her knee, her knuckles showing white. “You’d truly do that for me, to give this a better chance? You’d actually sleep with me? What if you couldn’t get excited enough to go through with it?”
Max laughed and tilted his head. “Is that a trick question? Millie, you’re really sexy, you have to know that. I don’t think there’s a straight man in this bar who would find it difficult to get aroused by you. Particularly if you were naked in the same bed.”
She looked so sceptical, so unconvinced, that Max couldn’t handle it.
“Stand up. Come here.” He motioned she come stand in front of him. He stood and waited until she was only a foot in front of him and her pretty face was lifted toward his. “Touch me.”
Her eyebrows skyrocketed up beneath her long fringe.
“Go on. I’m serious. If you’re truly worried I won’t be able to get it up for you, try me. Touch me,” he said, his last words softer than he’d intended.
Millie hesitantly placed her hand onto his stomach and rubbed upward. The heat from her palm scorched him through his shirt.
“Underthe shirt.”
She obliged and slid her hand beneath the hem, her palm sliding across his skin. Max had to hold his breath to stop the slight moan escaping. His stomach muscles clenched as her fingers trailed over them. He breathed deep. His cock was already responding and she’d barely touched anything.
“Go lower,” he whispered, his voice gravelly and deep.
He heard her breath catch. She wouldn’t look at him. Her gaze was on her hand. She slid open the button of his jeans and lowered the zip, inch by painstaking inch. He didn’t dare breathe or make a sound in case she stopped.
She reached the bottom of the zip and slid her hand under the thick fabric and beneath his trunks.
Straight down his hard length.
Max hissed and closed his eyes. Millie wrapped her hand around him and squeezed.
“Fuck!” Max gasped.
She slid her tight fist all the way to his tip and rubbed her thumb over the tip. He jerked against her hand.
“Hey, Max!” The door banged against the wall and they shot apart, as if guilty of something they shouldn’t be doing. Max spun to face his desk, desperately trying to fix his pants.
A bark of a laugh then Simon spoke again. “Whoops! Sorry, Mil.”
“I was just leaving. Excuse me, Simon,” Millie said calmly.
Max glanced over his shoulder to see her stalk out the door, her back ramrod straight, her stride confident and commanding.
He knew she had to be quivering inside, much like him. She was good at putting on a brave face and a confidence that cowed some people, but deep down Max knew much of it was a front. To keep her safe. To keep herapart. To keep her from feeling.