Page 22 of Unbreak My Heart
“It’s fine, Eva. Some days are just harder to get moving, aren’t they, Matty?” Emilia Adams cooed at the little boy. “Are you ready to spend the night at Oma and Opa’s house tonight? We’re going to have so much fun!”
“Fun!” he repeated, then nodded and wiggled to get down and shot off toward the chest of toys in the living room, his tiny overall-covered body bouncing in that particular way all toddlers seemed to run. Eva hid her smile. He’d have the entire lot strewn around the floor within ten minutes.
“Thanks for having him stay over tonight, Mum. I think I might have a huge bubble bath later and a big ole glass of wine. Maybe read a book in there too, while I’m at it.”
“Are you still going out with Sam tomorrow?”
Eva nodded. “She wants to see that band that’s playing in the park tomorrow morning. Last Man Standing, I think they’re called.” She leaned in to kiss her mother’s cheek. “I should be home today ’round the normal time. Maybe even a bit earlier. I should be back in Bialga by midday, if you needed me.”
Her mother nodded, keeping her attention on the three-year-old tearing into the toys. “No problem, love.” Her attention moved to Eva, and she smiled. “Have you found a house that’s taken your fancy yet? Now that you have a sizeable deposit, it would be the time to buy.”
Eva nodded. “I have a few that I wouldn’t mind looking at. I’ll bring my laptop with me and show you and Dad tonight.”
It would be so nice to own her home, some place that couldn’t be taken away from her and Matty if the landlord decided to not renew their lease. A place where she was paying fortheirfuture, not someone else’s.
“Lovely.” Her mother groaned and swooped into the living room proper and swept Matty up off the floor, just as he stuffed an ancient, half-eaten biscuit into his mouth. “Where on earth did you find that?” She fished it out and glanced at Eva. “Looks like it’s going to be one of those days.”
Eva laughed and walked backward. “On that note…”
Her mother shooed her absently as Eva closed the door behind her and hurried to where she’d parked in the driveway.
Shewouldbe late now if she dithered any longer. True, technically she didn’thaveto be at the build site each day—that was what she had a project manager for—but she liked to pop in at least once a day to make sure everything was going fine.
Sure. If you believe that’s the only reason you go by each morning, I have a pretty little bridge I’d like to sell you…
It didn’t hurt that a certain Jameson was usually there with his brother each morning. She cringed. What did that say about her? That she was crushing hard on a guy who wasn’t emotionally available? Or even a good fit for her and her son. Each time she saw him, though, she couldn’t help how she felt. Something about the man wound deep within and sank into her very bones.
Sighing, she turned onto the highway and headed toward the Crossing. She’d be there in half an hour.
On time. Just.
She’d seen him each day for the last week, right there on time with Max, head in the plans or chatting to the contractors. He’deven offered to pitch in and help but hadn’t been needed due to the extra crews she’d hired.
What a shame. Maybe she shouldn’t have done that, then she could’ve seen him working there every day.
She blew out a breath as she rounded a corner. Again—stupid, stupid, stupid!
Getting involved with a man who’d lost his wife only a year ago wasn’t smart. That was even supposing he’d be interested.
At least she now understood why he’d backed off so fully. But that didn’t stop her traitorous brain from reliving those short moments over and over each night.
His kisses. The way he’d touched her. The way he’d commanded her to…
Heat flooded her face, yet again.
She shook her head at herself. If she continued like this, people would think she had a blood-pressure problem.
Eva’s mobile phone vibrated in her handbag and a notification came up on the information screen in her car. She sighed as it was read out.
Vance. Again.
He’d messaged a couple of times over the last week, the first one an apology. She’d ignored all of them, thinking he’d take the hint, but no. It was times like this she wished she’d changed her number.
I can always block him…
And if he became much more of a nuisance, she would. He still hadn’t even mentioned their son, not once. Not that she expected him to, but it would’ve made him seem less of an ass if he had.