Page 37 of Unbreak My Heart
“Don’t you dare call me that,” she growled.
How different it could be—Simon calling herbabeby accident that day and her ovaries nearly exploding; then…him.
The smile dipped a little. “Come on. We don’t have to pretend. Introduce me to your friend here.” He motioned to Alex.
“No. You don’t belong on the worksite, Vance. Please leave. It’s unprofessional and not safe for you to be here, and you’re not covered under the insurance.”
That part was a lie; but tough, he didn’t know it. And she wanted him gone.
Vance’s smile slipped further. “What, your boyfriend not here today to back you up?”
Max’s terse voice sounded over her shoulder. “Evangeline doesn’t need anyone standing up for her, not even her boyfriend. She asked you to leave. Do it. Before her boyfrienddoesturn up and removes you physically, like he said he would last time. And I guarantee you, he won’t be gentle.”
“And who might you be to threatenme?”
Max stepped forward to be level with Eva’s shoulder. “I own all this. And I said leave.”
“We have nothing to say to one another, Vance. Don’t make an even bigger pain of yourself; just go. Please. You’re being unreasonable.”
A nasty snarl darkened his face for a split second, short enough that she wasn’t sure she’d seen it, so fast was it replaced by that fawning smile. “We have a lot left to say,baby. You just need to look past your hurt feelings.”
Max stepped forward, Alex at her other side doing the same thing. Vance held up both hands and walked backward, fast. Lightning, quickly followed by thunder, rolled above them.
“I’m going. But Iwillshow you that I mean it when I say I’m sorry.”
She closed her eyes and gritted her teeth. “This isnotthe place.”
He held his arms wide again, that slimy smile firmly back in place. “Later then, pumpkin.” He walked until he reached his car, then spun. “By the way, how’s the kid?”
Eva gasped and jerked in place.
Her fists were clenched so tight she was surprised blood wasn’t dripping onto the ground beneath them. She wouldn’t respond to that. She justrefused. It was what he wanted, to keep her attention, to keep her emotions high and focused on him, whether good or bad. And the casual disregard for their son…
Vance got into his car and gunned the engine.
“We’re going to have to do something about that guy,” Max said as she faced both the men.
“I’m sorry, Max. I’ll talk to him. It won’t happen again.”
She looked up when Max didn’t respond.
“Don’t apologise. You aren’t responsible for his bad behaviour. I’m sorry I interrupted but, man! Si was right, he makes your blood pressure erupt the instant he starts talking.”
Eva’s brows shot up in surprise. Max grinned at her. “What? He’s my brother. We talk.” His face closed over. “Although, I am glad he’s not here.”
She frowned in confusion. Max’s grin turned crafty.
“If he was, I think he would’ve grabbed that jerk by the scruff of the neck and dragged him to his car.”
Heat exploded up Eva’s cheeks. Simon going all He-Man should’ve been a huge red flag and enough to make her run screaming, but it had the opposite effect. It made her feel ridiculously warm and fuzzy and gooey inside.
Grow up, Adams. Sheesh!
“And I see you wouldn’t have minded in the slightest.”
Eva couldn’t hold his gaze. She shrugged and turned, looking up at the sky as large drops plopped onto her upturned face.
“Okay, people!” Alex spun and clapped loudly. “Pack it up! Storm’s rollin’ in. See you Monday morning!”