Page 50 of Unbreak My Heart
Eva turned to Simon. “Are—”
Simon leaned forward and kissed her. The taste of his mouth fried all thought as his lips moved over hers.
He pulled back a little, his breath fanning across her lips. “I’mfine.”
Eva opened her eyes to stare into those beautiful blues. She tried to see if he was deflecting, trying to be strong for her sake.
“He certainly is a barrel of energy,” Simon continued. A slight frown marred his forehead and he rubbed at his thighs. “If it’s okay with you, I’d like to bring you both along to my parents’ Sunday barbecue. Maybe next week? Or whenever you feel comfortable enough to come.”
His hesitant voice stopped her thoughts dead.
Eva sat back, blinking in shock. “Us? Both of us?”
A slight smile edged onto his mouth. “Yes, both of you. We have a family barbie each week. Not everyone turns up every week, but we all try to get there regularly. I, ah…” He rubbed at his stubbled jaw. “I’d like you to meet them all properly. In a relaxed setting. Matty could meet Finn. I think they’ll hit it off.”
Delight, surprise, and nervousness swirled and morphed through her belly in a big, tangled knot.
“Will they… Do you think it will be an issue, you and me?”
Simon’s brows shot up in surprise. “With my family? Hell, no. Max already knows that I, well, that I like you. It wouldn’t surprise me if he’s mentioned something to the others, even if not specifics. Millie will definitely know. He’d never keep anything from her.”
Warmth suffused her entire body at the thought he’d spoken to Max about her.
He’d told his brother.
A huge, soppy smile tried to take over her face and she fought to hide it. Simon wanted her to officially meet his family. As a girlfriend; or, at least, a potential one.
Something as silly as that shouldn’t make her insides melt and go all gooey, but it did. She’d told her mother how she was starting to feel about Simon back after their day together. That Emilia had been incorrect in thinking they were together, and that Simon was still working through grief.
Her mother had smiled, nodded, patted her shoulder, and politely ignored her protestations.
She’d been right, after all.
“I’d love to come to a barbecue. Maybe in a couple of weeks? So I have time to work myself up to it?”
“Whenever you’re ready.” A soft chuckle sounded from him. “They won’t eat you. They might chew a little, and a couple of them will definitely give you heaps. But they won’t be nasty or mean. They’re not like that, and I’d kick their arses if they were.”
Little feet pounding on floorboards caught her attention as Matty rounded his doorway and barrelled down the hall toward her. She held her arms open, and he threw himself at her, giggling.
“Oma said nap. No nap!”
Eva laughed and scruffed his hair. She saw a genuine smile tilt Simon’s mouth at Matty’s words.
Maybe this thing with Simon could work out, after all.
Chapter Thirteen
The bell onthe door of Kitty Cat’s Cupcakes jangled loudly as Eva pushed it open.
The little shop on the Lakewalk bustled, even at this early hour, mostly with tourists. Some faces she recognised were peppered amongst the crowd.
Cat turned as she approached the counter. Eva’s gaze caught on the slight but noticeable rounding of Cat’s stomach. A stomach that was normally fairly flat.
Could she be …
A quick smile and an, “I’ll just be a second,” as Cat handed the lady next to her a large white cardboard box of cupcakes.
Cat turned her attention to Eva. “Hiya, Eva. You’re late today. Coffee?”