Page 56 of Unbreak My Heart
Simon Jameson.
Simon frowned, blinked, then read it again.
There was his own name, etched in brass, right in front of his face. He turned to his brother, confused beyond reckoning.
The grin on Max’s face was so huge it was surprising it didn’t encompass his whole face. He stepped closer and grabbed Simon’s shoulder, his grip light, reassuring.
“What do you think?” Max asked, one eyebrow raised.
Simon glanced at the plaque again. The names etched in brass stared back at him, the same as before. “It would help if I knew what was going on.”
Max chuckled. “Well, it lists the owners.”
Simon sighed and sent his brother a long-suffering look. “No shit, Sherlock.”
Max’s laugh rang out around them. “Then it should be obvious, Si.” His gaze softened. “The Cow now has two owners—meandyou.”
Simon’s gut clenched and twisted. Was this really happening?
“I don’t understand,” he whispered as his gaze searched Max’s face.
Max’s arm went around his shoulder, and he spun Simon to face the interior of the Cow. “I thought it was time to make it official. You’re here all the time, just as much as me. Other than the whole burning down thing, that is. You treat her like the precious old lady she is… was. You know this place inside out. I don’t want you as my manager, I want you as my business partner. Who better than my brother who loves this place like I do?”
Simon’s mouth worked. He swallowed to moisten his Sahara-levels of parched throat. “But…”
Max’s brow raised again. “But? Why is there a but?”
Simon gestured to the room. “She’s yours. You built her from the ground up. Business-wise anyway. She was a tip when you bought her. I don’t have the cash to—”
“That isn’t a concern.” Max’s arm tightened. “I told you when she burned that I’d sort it out, that I’d look after you. Who was there with me from day one when I came to look at this place to buy, all those years ago? You. Who got in and hauled junk and rubbish and painted and sanded by my side? You. Who was always the first person to put up their hand any time I needed someone or something, and the last to leave?You.”
Simon’s gut somersaulted. He was having a hard time rationalising what his brother was saying. Max faced him again.
“It’s all done. The paperwork is all drawn up, all the legal stuff. The deed hasyourname on it, along with mine. All you have to do is sign.”
Simon gasped and doubled over, his hands on his knees, and shook his head. Dizziness made his head spin and his ears ring.
Max hunkered down in front of him. “Breathe, Si. Just breathe.”
Memory twigged. Those were the same words he’d said to Max when he’d gotten the email from the insurance company that day.
He sucked in a huge breath to try to stop the spots swirling behind his eyes. “I-I don’t know what…”
Max’s compassionate face entered his eyesight. “I want to do this, Si. If you want it too. I couldn’t ask for a better business partner. Fifty per cent, split straight down the middle. I’m financially secure. I’m in the position to do that for you.Letme. You can have the apartment upstairs. I live at Millie’s now.” He laughed again and scrubbed his jaw. “Mil hates me saying that. She says it’s our place, not hers. But anyway… The point being, I don’t need the apartment. It’s yours if you want it.”
He stood and rubbed Simon’s back. Simon sucked in a few more deep breaths and forced his body upright.
Max’s offer was everything he’d ever wanted. His own place, his own business. He’d given up all thought of it, all hope that one day he could have that. He wasn’t educated like the rest of them, like Max with his business degree, Gabe and his veterinary practice.
Learning had always been difficult for him. He coulddostuff; he just couldn’treadit. Not easily, anyway.
And Max knew that. All of it.
“You’d really do that for me?” he whispered.
Max reached up and gripped the back of Simon’s neck, forcing him to look at him. “You’ve given the last twelve years of your life to makingmydream come true. Not once have I heard you complain, or whine, or put the place down. You treat her as if she was already yours, and you treat the customers like friends.