Page 5 of The Talk Around Town
Gabe dropped hissocket ratchet onto the machinery shed floor in front of the massive tractor wheel. The alloy steel rang dully as it hit the concrete. He dug his vibrating phone out of his pocket.
This was the fifth time she’d called in less than ten minutes. It had to be a record. He sighed heavily, resigned to the grilling he was going to receive as soon as he answered. “What?”
“Well, aren’t you in a good mood!” Darby chirped, her own tone a happy contrast.
Gabe rubbed his hand against his rough jaw. “Is there anything in particular you wanted? Except to make my life a misery?”
Darby’s contagious laugh echoed in his ear. He couldn’t help but smile when he heard that. She always could get around his moods. He imagined most twins got along okay, but his and Darby’s relationship was special. They were close and she was the one who could always pull him out of a funk.
“Yes, my beautiful brother, there is. What were you doing there?”
Gabe closed his eyes. He didn’t have to ask where she meant. He hadn’t been able to get Emma out of his head, which didn’t help his mood any. “Is it really any of your business? And stop calling me that. Men aren’t beautiful. It just isn’t right.”
She chuckled on the other end of the line. “Hey, I’m only repeating what I hear from others. It’s positively indecent some of the things I hear at work about my own brother. Besides, if I say you’re gorgeous it reflects on me, my fair friend, since I look like you.”
Gabe groaned. “Do you have to keep going on about that? How many times do I have to say I’m not interested? I don’t need anyone in my life, okay? I’m quite happy here by myself.”
Darby’s happy voice dulled. “You can’t keep blaming yourself. Itwasn’t your fault. You can’t stay a monk forever. It’s over two years since you’ve been close to anyone. I don’t believe you when you say you’re happy. I wouldn’t be, cooped up all alone out there with just cows for company. You’re only thirty-four, for heaven’s sake!”
“I happen to like my cows, and I don’t think Dad would be too impressed being lumped in with the cattle. He’s here most days too, remember? And you, when I can’t get rid of you,” Gabe grumbled. He really didn’t want to get into this. Not here and not now.
“Mmm. You didn’t answer my question. What were you doing at Emma’s? I thought maybe you’d decided it was time to get over yourself and get a life. She’d certainly be one to get it with, if that’s your aim.”
“Nothing. And no, I’m not. She just moved here. Why didn’t you ask her yourself? You were there,” Gabe hedged.
“I had enough questions for the poor girl without grilling her about my brother as well. Give, already!” she demanded.
“Fine. I don’t know why it’s such an issue. She had some busted pipes in her bathroom. She couldn’t get hold of Hank. Harry gave her my number. She called. I went and patched them up. It should get her through until she sees Hank on Monday. That’s it. Satisfied?” Gabe shook his head in frustration. Darby could be the biggest pain in the arse when she wanted to be.
“See how painless that was? That’s all you had to say from the beginning. Don’t you think she’s hot?”
“She’s not my type.”
Darby chuckled. “Pretty and sexy is not your type, huh? Oh well. We’ll just have to wait and see who gets up the nerve to ask her out first. I wonder if she’ll say yes? You know, she seems really nice.”
Gabe shook his head again. There was no point even trying to get anything done until Darby was finished. He wouldn’t be able to concentrate.
“I suppose so. Look, is there anything else you wanted, or are you just wasting my time? I have things to do before dark,” Gabe said, exasperation spilling over into his tone.
“No, I’m done. You’re still on for dinner, aren’t you? Max said you’re going to give him a hand later.”
Trust her to pull the duty card. “Yes, I’m still coming. I told Maxaround seven. That’s right, isn’t it? We’ll eat while Julie looks after the bar, then she can go home. Max, Simon and I’ll take over while you and Amy get to play queen bees. Sound fair?”
A very pleased Darby answered. “Yes. That sounds perfect. I like to watch the men in my life do all the work. Okay, I’ll see you tonight. Love you!”
She hung up before he could answer.
“Yeah. You too. Though I don’t know why sometimes,” he muttered as he ended the call and shoved the phone back into his jeans pocket.
Gabe checked his watch and picked up the ratchet again, mumbling about time lost on his sister’s questions.
“What are you grousing about in here, son?”
Gabe glanced up from his position to look at his dad. He rested his arm on his knee. “Nothing. How’s Jezebel doing? She ready yet?”