Page 34 of Undercover Savior
“I won’t hurt you, Sullivan. I won’t let anyone else hurt you, either.”
“I know,” I whispered, brushing at my tears.
“Why are you crying?”
His question only made it worse. How could I admit that I had so few people in my life who I could trust, so few people I even confided in, that here I was, believing him. A man who’d lied to me repeatedly, could’ve killed me, and who I hadn’t seen in over twenty years. A man who, in reality, was a complete stranger to me, and yet, I felt safe and protected. When he said he wouldn’t let anyone hurt me, I believed him. God, Itrustedhim. “I don’t even know you,” were the only words I managed to say.
His hand moved to my cheek, and he raised my face. “Don’t you, Sullivan? Or do you know me better than anyone?”
His lips were soft against mine. Sweet, gentle, and loving. Not at all what I wanted. I angled my head, pressed my tongueagainst his mouth, and when he opened to me, I deepened the kiss and wrapped my arms around his neck. He pulled me onto his lap, then put one hand on the back of my neck and the other around me, cupping my bottom.
I froze when I heard someone outside the door, breaking the kiss, but closing any space there was between our bodies.
“All clear,” I heard Tag shout right before the door sprung open. He took one look at us, arms entwined, bodies flush, then backed his way out of the room. “Right. As I said, all clear. Take your time.” The sound of his voice grew more distant with each word he spoke.
I rested my head against David’s chest. “I’m mortified.”
He put his fingers on my chin and raised my face. “I’m not, and what’s more, Tag isn’t, either.”
He shook his head. “In fact, he, Con, and Gus, if they’re here, are likely drinking a toast to us right now.”
“Should we join them?”
David shook his head. “Not just yet. I’ve twenty years of wanting to kiss you to make up for.”
Iheld Sullivan’s hand as we made our way up the same narrow staircase we’d come down, but instead of going up to the second floor, I stopped at the first.
Con, Tag, and Gus were waiting for us in the library. Based on their expressions, the breach wasn’t as innocuous as I’d hoped.
“What do we know?” I asked, deciding straightaway not to hide anything from Sullivan unless it was absolutely necessary I do so.
Con’s eyes met mine, and I nodded once.
“There were three armed intruders, and accessing the property was not accidental,” he said.
Sullivan was standing beside me, and her hand brushed mine. I took it like I had when we walked up the stairs, then led her to a chair.
“Was it Weber?” she asked.
“We haven’t yet been able to make that determination. However, it’s a logical theory.”
“Are they in custody?” I asked.
“Negative,” Tag responded.
“What did you learn about the tracking device?” I asked Con.
“I’ve confirmed it was one of mine.”
There were several things I needed to discuss with Con, but none that I would with an audience. Deciding it was best to delay until the following day, I suggested we reconvene in the morning unless there were additional pressing issues to be addressed.
“What about relocating?” I asked.