Page 49 of Undercover Savior
He shook his head. “Not immediately familiar.”
“Typhon is running them.”
He smirked. “As will I when we’re finished. Is your line of questioning the reason he hasn’t asked me to do it yet?”
“He muttered something about seeds of doubt taking root.” He still hadn’t looked away, but I did. “Periscope is certain Weber is going to get to her. She said, ‘No one is safe. If you think you are, you’re as stupid as I was. They’ll come for you.’ Thenshe added as if she suddenly realized something, ‘In fact, they already have.’”
“I see. So she’s suggesting there’s a traitor in our midst in addition to her.”
“She also said, ‘Janus thinks he controls Chimera. He’s wrong. That may be your only chance at survival.’”
“Tell me what you know about Weber. What’s he into?”
“Sullivan’s theory is weapons trafficking, yet I can’t help but wonder why he’d order a hit on a reporter if that were the case.”
“So, it’s worse.” He put one hand on his hip. “I’ll admit one of the reasons I came over here was how hard it was for me not to eavesdrop on her and Fallon. And, no, Ash, I didn’t plant any ears.”
“I’m sorry for doubting you, Con.”
He half nodded, half shook his head. “I’m more than miffed, but as I said, I’ve given you cause through the years to doubt me.” He hesitated, but I sensed there was more he wanted to say. A few seconds later, he did. “I’ve been better of late, you know. Not that any of my more nefarious activities, as you and Tag called them, were criminal in nature.”
“I’ve no right to criticize you. I knew full well you’d employ means not necessarily sanctioned by SIS when I asked you to find all you could on Weber and Tower-Meridian.”
“Is anything Unit 23 does sanctioned?”
We both chuckled.
“The person whose brain I really want to pick is Sullivan’s.”
“You and me both.” I glanced back at the cottage. “How far off are we from returning?”
“Not as close as I thought we’d be. I discovered industrial-strength malware on the Crown Herald’s servers. I have to hand it to Fallon. One of the first things she did after coming on board at the agency was to put a cyber-resilience system in place.”
“How complex?”
“Critical infrastructure in line with GCHQ’s cybersecurity guidance protocols.”
I was stunned, but more, I couldn’t help but wonder if we should be taking a closer look at Fallon Wallace’s background.
“I dug deep,” said Con, picking up on my train of thought.
“Better if I let her tell you herself. I’ll say this much. I’ll sleep better at night knowing both she and Sullivan are on our side.” I opened my mouth, but he held up his hand. “And, yes, I do believe they are firmly on the side of good, not evil.”
I sighed again and looked up at the castle. “Brose is back.”
Con rolled his eyes. “Iknow.”
“What makes you say it that way?”
“Can’t you deny him access? I finally had to escort the bugger out of the cottage. I swear, if I hear one more story about your grandfather, who your uncle is convinced would’ve made him the heir over your dad if the Crown would’ve allowed it, I’ll lose my bloody mind.”
“There’s been more than one occasion when I wished I could do the same. The man has no idea what it takes to run an estate of this magnitude.”
Con chuckled. “I’d blame inbreeding again, but you turned out all right.”