Page 71 of Undercover Savior
“Wait, where are you going?” I asked when she ran out of the room, wearing a robe I didn’t know was here or who it belonged to.
“I have to check on something. Stay where you are.”
I heard a clap, then felt her when she tumbled back in bed, then crawled on top of me. “Happy Christmas, David.”
“Happy Christmas, Sullivan.”
“Turns out I was wrong about St. Nicholas.”
I raised my head. “What do you mean?”
“Apparently, I underestimated his ability to circumvent security.”
I shook my head and chuckled. “Are you saying he delivered gifts?”
Her eyes opened wide, and she nodded slowly.
“This, I have to see. By the way, where did you get the robe?”
“I found it hanging on a hook inside the closet. Would you like me to get yours?”
“I wasn’t aware I had one.”
“You do.” She pointed to her robe. “Look, it even has our names embroidered.”
I blinked a couple of times, and sure enough, I noticed the one she wore said Sullivan.
“I think Mrs. Drummond is the real Santa Claus.”
She nodded. “I believe you might be right.”
My eyes opened wide, and my mouth gaped when I saw the number of gifts under the tree that, last night, was empty. “When and who?” I muttered.
“While you were still sleeping, and Gus.”
“Ah, how kind but also unnecessary.”
Sullivan shrugged. “Just kind, I think.” She pulled her hand from behind her back. In her palm, sat a small, perfectly wrapped box. “He had to deliver this. It’s for you.”
“Hang on.” I went around her and grabbed a similarly sized box that I’d hidden yesterday before we left for the meeting at the castle. I held it out. “And this is for you.”
“Let’s sit.”
I followed her to the sofa, and we exchanged the presents.
“Go ahead. Open yours first,” I said.
She untied the ribbon, tossed it to the side, then tore open the paper. “What is it?” she asked, running her finger over the antique box her gift was in.
“Open it and find out.”
She gasped at the sight of the locket that had belonged to my mum and that Gus had arranged to have cleaned and brought to me.
“It’s so beautiful.” She gingerly removed it from its container. “Is there anything inside?”
“Take a look.”
She gasped again and covered her mouth with her hand. “Where did you get this?” she asked, pointing to the photo of her when she was eight.