Page 95 of Undercover Savior
“There’s no evidence pointing to it specifically.”
“Except the shipments all originate here. It’s the only logical explanation.”
“Perhaps. There’s one more bit. The name Labyrinth, which Con believes is the project.”
“A complicated and irregular network of passages.”
“Yes, that is the definition.”
My mind raced with what Fallon had told me about the tunnels earlier. Not so much the ones here, but throughout Scotland—in Edinburgh, in particular.
I realized I’d gotten lost in thought. “Sorry, did you say something?”
“No, but I expected you would.”
“Right. Apologies. Again. Thank you for telling me all of this.”
His eyes scrunched. “And yet, there’s something you’re not telling me.”
“Not specifically.”
David stood and paced. “You must understand that this is not something you can report on.”
Ah. That was at the crux of the odd behavior. “Without my investigation, you’d know nothing about Weber or Tower-Meridian.”
“That isn’t entirely true.”
“Let me rephrase. If you hadn’t been sent tokillme that night, Weber wouldn’t be on your radar or SIS’.”
He put his hands on his hips. “Perhaps not mine.”
“So what you’re saying is everything you told me tonight is off the record and I’m not permitted to make use of it.”
“I’ll remind you of the NDA you signed.”
I stood as well, unsure what to do or where to go, only that I couldn’t continue this conversation. I stalked from the room and went past the bedroom we’d shared in search of another.
“What are you doing?” he asked when I returned to the other bedroom and pulled several things from the drawers.
“Sullivan, don’t be absurd?—”
I stomped my feet on the way back to the other bedroom, which seemed to shut him up. Before I could shut the door, he put his arm out and kept it open.
“We’re in the midst of a conversation. I insist we finish it.”
“You just informed me I could not report on my own bloody story,Ashcroft. My story. How dare you? And then, you had the audacity to remind me that I’d signed an NDA. As if I would’ve forgotten. Again,how dare you?”
“Is that your intention, then? To report on this?”
He wove his fingers in his hair. “I cannot believe this.”
“There’s another question you should’ve asked, David. In fact, there is none more important.”