Page 20 of Belle Amour
The Creature Conservancy
Matthaei Botanical Gardens
7 PM Oasis Hot Tub Gardens
White Lotus Farms
7:30 PM Dinner Reservations (Sava’s)
10 AM Check-in – (Stone Chalet)
11 AM – Flight to NYC
Mirabelle read through it quickly and immediately became much more excited about going to Ann Arbor. She had been so focused on her dread of seeing Eddie and Casey again, not to mention the inevitable awkwardness that would come with seeing her former in-laws, that she had completely forgotten to do her usual research into fun things to do there. She had to admit she was impressed with Bastian’s plans since he usually left the bulk of that to her. Not that he wasn’t capableof planning things, he was more organized about it than she was, but because he knew she liked to do it and surprise him with what she managed to find. Seeing the level of effort and thought he’d put into it, choosing things that he knew they would both enjoy. The fact that he left the occasional morning or afternoon empty so they could either do their own things or pick something together made her feel warm and fuzzy inside.
“Bast...” She didn’t know what to say and reached for his hand again, trying to convey her gratitude by squeezing it tightly. “You made reservations and bought tickets, too?”
Bastian nodded, looking faintly embarrassed. “Nothing that can't be cancelled if you’d rather not do them.”
“Why would we cancel them?” Mirabelle grinned as she reread the list, feeling the stress that had taken hold in the last few days ease off quite a bit. “This all looks amazing.”
“Then we'll do them all.” He gave her a small smile, but she could tell he was still upset. Now feeling guilty, she put his arm around her shoulders and rested her head on his chest while wrapping her arm around his waist. Looking up at him pleadingly, she tried to convey how sorry she was and that she was not above begging for forgiveness.
“Please don’t be upset anymore, Bast.” She murmured. “I'm sorry.”