Page 66 of Belle Amour
“Well, there are fewer guests and a lot of angry people. I suppose you've heard about the groomsmen's wives leaving?”
“Jillian told me and asked for Bast and me to represent her.”
“Well, I don't think they know about that part yet.”
“Who are they mad at?”
“Casey is livid at you, and she's demanded that Eddie rescind your invitation. Victor told him this was on him and rescinding your invitation meant we wouldn't pay for anything. He had to stick to the deal, so he's angry with us. Casey's father is disgusted with the two of them and spent most of the rehearsals alternating between sitting silently and comparing Casey to her mother, who arrived this morning with her boyfriend, which was a whole new fresh batch of drama.”
“She cheated on Casey's father, right?”
“Yes. Donald met and married Nora two years ago and was very nasty in his comparison of her and Crystal, Casey’s mother.”
“So tomorrow will be all kinds of drama then,” Mirabelle sighed. “I have a favour to ask.”
“What is it?”Francesca asked curiously
“Tomorrow, we all stick together. Bast and I would like to be seated with you and your family during the ceremony and the reception.”
“Of course, that's already been arranged, Dear. Don't worry; we'll raise holy hell if they change it. Can I ask why?”
“We're gonna make her expose herself to everyone, including Eddie.” Mirabelle smiled and reached for Bastian's hand.
“Well, if that's the case, we look forward to the show. But this will not change our stance on Eddie.”
“That's between your family and him.”
“We'll see you tomorrow, I must say; I'm looking forward to seeing Bastian in his suit.”Mirabelle giggled. “And you in the dress he picked out for you.”
“We're looking forward to seeing you as well. Good night.”
“Good night.”
Chapter Forty-Four: The Ceremony
Bastian had paid for an early check-in at the Stone Chalet, so they checked out of the Weber and moved to the Stone Chalet before ten. They checked in and got settled away in the Garden Room. “You didn't do anything by halves, did you? Mirabelle smiled as she took in the large room and king-sized bed.
“You know me better than that.” Bastian leaned down and kissed her neck. “Let's start getting ready. We're meeting everyone in the...” Bastian pulled out the program he’d stolen as they walked past the room where the wedding was being set up. “Fellowship Hall? Well, there's irony for you.” He chuckled to himself, enjoying the irony. “At two-thirty. The ceremony is from three to four. Really? What could they possibly have to say that it will take an hour?” he looked up at Mirabelle, watching as she dug out her shampoo, conditioner, and body wash for her shower.
“Lots of prayers, I would imagine.”
“Yes, I'm sure that will save their souls.” Bastian rolled his eyes. He was not a religious man and didn’t like sitting through services. “Moving along,” He cleared his throat. “Cocktail Houris between four and five, and then the reception starts at five and runs until seven, at which point the dance starts.”
“That’s a pretty standard wedding progression.” Mirabelle grinned and kissed his cheek as she passed on her way to the shower. “It’ll go by much faster than you think.”
Bastian was standing in front of the mirror a few hours later, tying his bowtie, when Mirabelle stepped out of the bathroom where she had gone to finish dressing. “Mira.” He whispered. The black silk dress he had picked out fit her perfectly. The sleeves didn’t entirely cover up all the scratches, so Bastian removed the bandages and, after looking them over, decided they were okay to go uncovered. “You look incredible.” He murmured, making her giggle and twirl for him. He saw she had done her long caramel hair in a complicated knot before it descended her back in a wavy ponytail. Her makeup was simple, highlighting her eyes with a soft pink lip.
“Thank you. As always, you picked the perfect dress.” She came over, finished tying his bowtie, and held out his jacket. He turned and let her help him get it up over his shoulders. “It's almost criminal how good you look in a suit.”
“Pays to have a good tailor.” He smiled at her. Bastian looked her over again, feeling his cock twitch at the sight of her looking so beautiful, and looked at his watch. “I'm almost tempted.” He began to back her toward the bed. “To see how fast I can make you scream my name.”
“Yeah?” Mirabelle looked up at him through her lashes as they bumped against the bed. “Think you can do it in three minutes? Cause we have to be in the Fellowship Hall in five.”
“I think I could.” He leaned down so his lips were next to her ear. “Are you challenging me?” He whispered. He was ninety percent sure he would win.