Page 6 of Kept for Christmas
What the heck is going on? Maybe he’s having second thoughts. Maybe that’s why he called the doctor. Or maybe he didn’t call the doctor at all. Maybe he called a friend for advice on how to get out of the wedding.
His lips land softly on the top of my head. “Let me hold you for a little bit.”
That one phrase calms me and I snuggle into his shoulder, laying against his chest, listening to the heavy hammer of his heartbeat. “Your heart is going crazy tonight.”
“Ah, just anxiety, I’m sure. We’ve got all that shit down at the tree farm with the eclipse party. I think it’s giving me an ulcer.”
I narrow my brows. “That was last year. We don’t have anything going on this year. Just trees and Santa.”
“Last year?” he repeats, and I wonder if maybe he hit his head or something.
“Yeah, that was last year. I’m worried about you. You’re acting strange as hell.”
“No. No. You’re right.” He clears his throat. “That was last year. I meant to say the Christmas Eve party. I’m just tired tonight.” He strokes his thumb over my shoulder. “You look beautiful. I, ugh, it’s hard to keep my hands off you.”
“You don’t have too, silly!” I climb up and straddle his waist just below the hard cock that’s spearing beneath the sheets. One hand slides over the top and I stroke him up and down lightly through the fabric, enjoying the strained look on his face.
“You should stop,” he groans, running his hand back through his thick salt and pepper hair. “I’m really not feeling great. I’m sorry, princess. Come here.”
I grin playfully and pull back the sheet, exposing his hard, stiff cock for the taking. I’m not sure why I’m so horny tonight, but it’s borderline feral. Glancing up toward him, I lower my frame between his legs and lick the tip slowly.
A deep, satisfying groan rumbles in his chest as he stares toward me like it’s the first time we’re touching.
“I could make you feel better… if you want.” I kiss the tip again, sliding my tongue around the head. Lord, this man ismassive. Long and indescribably thick. I can’t wait for him to stretch me wide.
He drags a heavy breath and lets it out quickly. “No, princess. Come up here and love on me.”
I kiss his dick again, lingering on the bit of pre-come that’s dripping from the tip before cuddling down to breathe in the scent of pine and musk on his skin. “You want some tea or aspirin or something?”
“No,” he squeezes me closer against his chest, “I want this right here. We’ll get some sleep and hopefully by morning, everything will be back to normal.”
I close my eyes and rest against his shoulder, trying to calm that thrumming that’s beating at my clit, but it’s no use. I’m stuck in hyper-drive with soaking panties and a head full of filthy thoughts.
“You’re squirming a lot. Are you okay?” He brushes his worn fingertips against my skin as he talks.
“Yeah, just… I don’t know why I’m so horny. It’s insatiable, like it’s been ages since I’ve come.”
He growls low in his throat. “When was the last time you had sex?”
I shrug. “I don’t know, can’t remember. Do you?”
He shakes his head and leans it back, closing his eyes. “No, I don’t remember, but we should get some sleep.”
Everything is off tonight, and though I want to ask him why he’s being so weird again, I assume it’s the headache, and I try to settle back in. I’m sure everything will make more sense in the morning, or I’ll have died from a lack of orgasms.
Chapter Four
I’m not sure my cock has ever been so hard. And blue balls, I haven’t had these since eleventh grade English class.
Emma rests in my arms, and though I’ve been fantasizing about holding her, breathing her in, and watching her tits shake as I jerk one off for the last three hours, I’m showing restraint. It’s not going to last much longer. I know because my cock is already starting to throb, and the pain is borderline torture.
I’m not sure what the hell I’m going to do if she doesn’t wake up normal in the morning. Even then, I don’t know how I get over the fact that she had her tongue on my cock.
My cock aches as she squirms in my arms and sighs.
Fucking hell, I’m going to explode. And after I do, I’m going to get therapy because apparently, I’m a sick fuck.