Page 21 of Blaze
“Boy. Cadell Connor Kingsley. Twenty-two inches, ten pounds.”
Wincing, I mumbled, “Ouch. Ten? Stella doing okay?”
King’s wife was tiny, so that couldn’t have been easy.
“She was a fucking champ.”
“You call Pierce?” King and I were still close to the former prez. Despite being closer to the age of my grandfather, he’d been more of a father to me than mine ever had. And King had bounced around the foster system, so Pierce was pretty much the only father figure he’d ever had.
“Yeah,” he confirmed, a smile clear in his voice. “He was at the Silver Saints clubhouse, so he had to stop and tell every person who walked by during our conversation.”
“Proud grandpa,” I laughed.
“Told me to tell you he wants more babies to spoil, so get to it.”
I grinned and thought about how I’d spent the morning with my woman. “Working on it.”
“Guessing you need me to order a vest?”
“Already called the company and put in a bulk order,” I informed him, making him chuckle. “We’ll have a stash, just in case. Then all they will need is the names stitched onto them.”
“Prime example why you’re my VP.”
His tone was almost jolly, and it was freaking me out.
“How long is this chipper attitude going to last?”
“Chipper? When did you turn seventy?”
Rolling my eyes, I opened a folder from the stack next to me. “Get back to your family. I have shit to do.”
“Sure,” he agreed. “Call if you need anything.”
“Consider yourself on paternity leave, Prez. I have things handled.”
“Excellent. I’ll let you know when we’re home so you can come and meet your godson.”
With King at the hospital, I was covering all the club shit. Plus, I didn’t want Courtney away from the clubhouse and wasn’t willing to leave her unless it was to deal with the threat looming over her. So we decided that I’d wait to see them until they came back, rather than go to the hospital.
“Looking forward to it.”
After hanging up, I began reading through the profiles of possible clients that Ash had dropped off.
“Found her, Blaze.”
My head lifted from the document I was reading, and I stared hard at Ink as he strolled into my office and came to a stop in front of my desk.
“My cousin Raffaele called.” Ink was Nic DeLuca’s cousin, the head of the DeLuca crime family. His older brother, Enzo,was Nic’s second in command. Ink and his mother had moved south to get away from the Mafia, and they’d settled in Georgia because his aunt was married to our former prez, Pierce.
Ink—whose real name was Matteo DeLuca but was given the road name Ink because he was an extremely talented tattoo artist—had become friends with Onyx, who managed our tattoo shop, Hellbound Studio. They were both amazing and had long waitlists.
Ink didn’t have anything to do with Mafia business, but he stayed in touch with his relations, including Raffaele…who was the head of The Family in the south.
When we first contacted him, he’d found where they’d replaced Sabrina in their files. But when we sent people to retrieve her, we found that she’d taken off, so no one, not even the Hounds or the Mafia, knew where she was.
Wizard had been on the money trail, collaborating with some of Raffaele’s guys who were also deep in the tech business.
“Lilianna managed to find security footage that showed the last time Sabrina was in Biloxi. Paid with cash for the first few days, but Wizard was still able to get a general idea of her movements. She used a card yesterday, though. Must have run out and couldn’t get to a bank.”