Page 13 of Remember That Time
"It is a bit stuffy in there."
"Just a bit." The smile widened. "I didn't really want to come, but a friend convinced me it was for a good cause so..."
I nodded, understanding exactly where he was coming from. "I'm forced to attend these things two or three times a month. They are meant to be endured, not enjoyed."
I nodded.
"Yeah, me, too," he stated, "although I don't have to attend as many as you probably do."
"What do you do?" I asked out of curiosity.
"I'm a doctor."
"I'm in real estate." That was a broad definition of what I did. Yes, I was in real estate, but I was usually the one buying the land and having something built on it before selling it. I did buy some readymade buildings here and there, but I preferred building it myself so I could put my personal touches on things.
I gestured to the lone glass sitting on the bench beside the man. "How's the champagne?"
"I wouldn't know." He picked up the glass and took a small sip. "This is apple juice."
That got my eyebrow to cock up. "Apple juice?"
I was a little surprised when the man glanced away. "I don't think drinking a lot at one of these functions is a good idea."
That didn't sound like the total truth, but I wasn't going to question the man about it. It wasn't my place. I didn't even know the guy.
I wanted to.
"I'm JánosKostas."
The smile wasn't back when he glanced at me, but at least he was looking at me. "Gianni Galeazzi."
"Any connection with Galeazzi Construction?"
Gianni nodded. "My parents own it."
"They're currently erecting a building for me," I stated. "I spoke with Frank just the other day about ADA compliant bathrooms."
Gianni finally smiled. "Frank is my brother."
If his parents owned the company, he'd have to be.
I took a couple of slow casual steps closer, found a good tree, and leaned up against it. "I know Frank and Martino followed in your father's footsteps. Why go the doctor route? Why not join the family business?"
Gianni chuckled. "No interest."
I realized I was basically interrogating the guy, but I had questions. I took a long puff of my cigar before asking, "Is it true that Martino retired to become a starving artist?"
"Yes and no," Gianni replied. "He partially retired. He spends most of his time in the studio he built onto his husband's family cottage, but he still helps Frank out every now and then."
"He really gave all that up to become a painter?"
I couldn't imagine it.