Page 16 of Remember That Time
"Will you be wanting dinner tonight, sir?"
"No, I had some finger foods at the fundraiser. I'm just going to head to my study for a little while and then I will be going to bed."
"Very good, sir."
I liked the efficient man.
I headed down the hallway to my study. Once inside I headed right for the crystal decanter of ouzo I had sitting on a small round table in the corner and poured myself a drink.
I took a deep sip of it as I strolled toward the floor to ceiling windows all along one wall of my study. In my line of work I had been all over the world, but I'd never found another night skyline like the one in New York City. Between the bright lights and the view, it couldn't be beat.
I wonder if Gianni had a view like this.
I pressed the cold glass against my forehead a moment after that thought filled my head. Why couldn't I stop thinking about this guy? Between him and the mysterious man I'd slept with, my libido was in overdrive.
Strange thing was, I'd hadn't been attracted to anyone in ages, so why these two men? One was a mystery and one was lost in some sort of sorrow that I didn't understand. Both seemed unattainable at the moment.
I needed to fix that.
Chapter Five
~ Gianni ~
Fuck a duck!
I quickly grabbed some toilet paper and held it to my finger.
"You okay?" Tony called out. A moment later, he appeared in the kitchen doorway. "What's wrong?"
"I cut myself shaving." I held up said finger, wincing when I saw the blood dripping from the small cut near the middle knuckle.
"Let me see that." Tony walked over and grabbed my wrist. He turned my hand one way and then the other. "It doesn't look too deep, but you're going to need at least a butterfly bandage.
Oh, yippee.
"How in the hell did you cut your finger while shaving?"
I shrugged because I didn't know. "At least it wasn't my face."
Tony reached under the bathroom sink and grabbed the first aid kit we kept there. He opened it up and then began grabbing what he'd need to fix my finger.
"This thing is bleeding like the dickens."
Well, at least my blood flow was good.
Tony cleaned up the blood, put some antibiotic cream on the wound, and then covered it with a small bandage. "There, good as new."
"Do I get a lollipop?"
Tony reached back into the first aid kit and grabbed a lollipop, handing it to me. Yes, we kept them in the first aid kit just for occasions like this.
Didn't everyone?
"I'll clean this mess up," Tony said as he put the first aid kit away and then started gathering up the garbage. "You shave. Try and skip the cutting this time."
"I'll do my best, Dad."