Page 18 of Remember That Time
"I'm going out," I told Tony as I headed for the door. "If you spot my cell phone, just drop it on my bed."
Tony waved a hand at me, too engrossed in texting on his cell phone to pay me too much attention. "Yeah, yeah."
I never understood why Tony didn't study more, but his education wasn't my problem. He seemed to do okay on his tests and pass all of his classes, so he must be doing something right. Once he started his residency, he wouldn't have time for video games.
The apartment I shared with Tony was just off campus. The lab was on the other side of the campus from our apartment. The library was on this side of the campus and the cafe where I liked to stop for lunch was on the far side of the lab.
It wasn't too long of a walk to get to the library. My first stop was the reception desk. I asked the lady behind the counter if anyone had turned in a lost phone. After she searched lost and found and didn't find anything, I hurried up the stairs to the second floor where I had been studying.
Again, nothing.
I left the library and began making my way across campus to the lab I worked in. I had worked a full shift the previous day, but I had taken time to have lunch. Keeping my body healthy was extra important at this point.
It helped that most of the morning sickness had started to go away over the last week. Puking my guts out every morning like clockwork was not my idea of a good time.
How I had kept it from Tony I would never know.
When I got to the lab, I checked my locker first. When I didn't find it there, I checked the lab. Again, no cell phone. I searched the lost and found...found a sweater I had been missing for a couple of months, but no phone.
I felt a little desperate as I headed out of the lab and to the last place I could remember going yesterday. If my cell phone wasn't there, I'd have to start thinking about getting a new one. Having a phone on me was kind of a must. I could be called in to work at any time. Besides, my parents would freak if they couldn't get a hold of me.
That was worse.
When I reached the cafe, I went up to the counter and asked if anyone had turned in a lost cell phone. When I was told no, my heart sank. I had to consider the possibility that someone might have found it and decided to keep it.
I pressed a hand to my stomach when it rumbled. I had been really, really good about my diet as of late, but for once I wanted to cheat. I ordered a double iced mocha, decaf, of course, a ham and cheese croissant, and some fresh fruit.
Maybe I could balance out the bad with the good.
After paying for my order, I walked over to one of the tables by the window. I usually sat toward the back of the cafe where there was less traffic, but I was usually studying during lunch, too. This time, I didn't have a single book with me.
"Is this seat taken?"
I glanced up and then smiled when I saw the man gesturing to the seat across from me. "Mr. Kostas."
Janos draped his jacket over the back of the seat and then sat down. "Is the coffee any good here?"
"It's very good," I said enthusiastically. "I usually come here for my lunch breaks. Much better than the cafeteria at the lab."
"And how are things at the lab?"
"Pretty much the same as they were yesterday." I know that didn't explain a lot, but being a researcher didn't bring about quick results. Things happened slowly in a lab, significant discoveries sometimes taking decades. "What about you? Buy any new properties lately?"
"A couple." Janos chuckled. "I'm attending an auction tonight to buy a tract of land over near Brentwood. I hope to turn it into commercial building use."
My brow flickered as I tried to remember where that was. "I don't think I've ever been to Brentwood."
"I can have my driver take us out there if you wish to see it."
"Thanks, but I'm on the hunt for my phone at the moment."
Janos's eyebrows lifted. "Your phone?"
"I lost my cell phone sometime yesterday. This cafe was the last place I looked. I've already looked everywhere else I went yesterday. Still no phone."
Nothing else was said by is for a moment as my lunch order was delivered and Janos ordered his own coffee and sandwich. I took a bite of my sandwich first before drinking any of the double mocha. I was going to need the buffer for the sugar rush.