Page 23 of Remember That Time
It hadn't seemed like top priority.
"Victor De Luca called and requested a meeting, sir. I believe he wants to discuss the contract in more detail."
"Ten o'clock, sir."
"This morning?"
"Yes, sir."
"Alright, set the meeting for the conference room at ten, but make sure everything is set in there. I don't like this guy very much. I want everything he says to be on record in case he tries to come back later and say something else."
If it wasn't for the fact that Victor De Luca had connections all over the city, I wouldn't even entertain the idea of having ameeting with him. I certainly didn't want to do business with him.
Unfortunately, I might not have a choice.
"Yes, sir."
"I'll see you in a little while, Lester."
"Yes, sir."
As I hung up the phone, I sighed. I could already feel a headache coming on and I hadn't even left the building yet. That did not bode well for the rest of my day.
I read over the morning news as I drank my coffee. This might be one of my favorite times of the day. It was just me, my coffee, something to read, and silence. Vasso didn't even say a word when he delivered my breakfast.
I paid the man well and he was worth every cent.
I finished my coffee, my breakfast, and the morning paper, and then got up to go to work. I was looking forward to this day even less than I had been when my alarm went off.
I couldn't wait until the weekend.
Chapter Seven
~ Gianni ~
I wiped my sweaty palms on my slacks before opening the bedroom door of the guestroom and walking out to head downstairs. I could hear Henry and my mother talking in the kitchen before I even reached the first floor.
I'd flown in last night and went straight to the guestroom, too tired to bring my news to my family. Unfortunately, it was a new day and I knew they had questions about why I'd suddenly shown up out of the blue.
Granted, I knew they would welcome me no matter what, but I was usually too busy with work to fly out to see everyone on the spur of the moment. Which would be why my grandmother raised an eyebrow at me when I walked into the living room.
I winced and smiled weakly. When she patted the cushion next to her, I reluctantly walked over and sat down. I just knew she was going to start asking questions that I wasn't sure I was ready to answer.
I needed a few more minutes.
"Hey,Nonna," I said as I sat down next to her. "How are you?"
"I think the better question is how are you,Niptino."
I always did like it when she called me her "little grandson". It was my special name. Neither of my brothers had it because they were not the baby of the family. I was.
"I'm okay at the moment." The morning sickness had already passed this morning, so I wasn't lying. "Just kind of taking things day by day."
Nonnapatted my hand. "Sometimes, that's the best way to do things."