Page 27 of Remember That Time
Frank's eyebrows lifted. "It's that bad?"
It wasn't good.
"Swear to it," I demanded.
Surprisingly, both of my brothers lifted their hands, raising three fingers in the air and said, "I swear."
My shoulders slumped. I walked over to stare out the window. It wasn't the spectacular water view that the living room had, but the open air market across the street was interesting.
"I don't know who the father is," I finally admitted. "I went to a party put on by another medical resident, had too much to drink, and woke up six weeks later pregnant."
"Were you raped?" Frank asked in a very serious tone.
I shook my head. "I don't think so. There were no signs that I was forced. I'm pretty sure it was consensual sex."
"But you're not positive?" Martino asked.
"It's all kind of a hazy blur." I turned around to face my brothers. The intensity of the looks they were giving me both frightened me and comforted me. They were good brothers, just a little overprotective. "Beyond not knowing who I slept with, I don't have any apprehensive emotions connected to what happened."
"Then you most likely weren't raped," Frank said.
That had been my conclusion as well.
"Are you going to tell our parents?"
"At some point," I replied. "I'm just not ready to yet."
"Have you tried to track down who this man is?" Martino asked.
I shook my head. "I've been too busy trying to decide if I wanted to keep this baby or not. I finally decided that even if I never know who this guy is, this is still my kid and I want him."
Never thought I'd say that.
Martino sighed, but Frank came over and pulled me to his chest, giving me a hug. I understood it. Martino had been betrayed, not once, but twice, but men professing to love him. It had nearly cost him his current husband and child.
Frank had been betrayed, too, but not in the same manner. He'd been lied to and manipulated. It had cost him five years of his daughter's life and almost the man he loves.
Frank had an easy smile on his face when he leaned back. "So, single parenthood, huh?"
"Looks that way."
"You know, Henry and Ryan could be really good resources for you," Frank stated. "While they shared a house for those first few years, they were still essentially single fathers. If you have questions, they'd be the ones to ask."
I had questions, a lot of them. And every time I thought of a question, another one popped up. I felt so out of my element I could have been on the moon.
"I'm pretty sure Nonna knows something is up because when doesn't she? But I'm not ready to tell our parents yet. Please don't say anything to them."
Frank and Martino shook their heads.
"We won't say a word until you're ready," Frank said. "That doesn't mean you can hide it from them forever. Eventually, you're going to have to tell them the truth."
Yeah, I was afraid of that.
Chapter Eight
~ Janos ~
"Sir, the DNA paternity test result is back," Lester said as he hurried into my office with a manila envelope.