Page 29 of Remember That Time
Gianni chuckled. "I did. We had all the family in the same place for once."
"For once?" I asked.
"Well, with my brothers and their families on the west coast and us on the east coast, plus our work schedules, we don't get to have family get-togethers as often as we used to. Usually just around the holidays."
"I usually spend the holidays with my grandmother. My parents passed away when I was just a kid so she raised me and my younger sister."
"Oh." Gianni's voice became somber. "I'm sorry to hear that."
"It was sudden, a car accident when I was about seven years old, but at least they went together."
I still missed them.
"Your brothers are on the west coast, right?"
"Yes," Gianni replied.
"I spoke to Frank just last month. He said I needed to change some of my bathroom designs and add more ADA compliant stalls."
"Oh." Gianni's voice began to warm once again. "I thought you only bought and sold real estate."
"While the bulk of my business is just buying and selling land, I sometimes buy land that is vacant and build something on it or I buy buildings that need to be modernized."
"And you work with Galeazzi Construction?"
"Not every time, but yes, over the years Galeazzi Construction has either built or retrofitted several of my properties."
"And that's how you know my brothers?"
"It is."
"So, if I was to call them and ask them about you, what would they tell me?"
I chuckled. "I need more ADA compliant bathrooms."
I loved the sound of Gianni's laughter. It was clear, light, and unabashed. It made me think of warm sunshine. I knew that didn't make sense because sunshine was naturally warm, but that's how it sounded.
"Since you're back in town, does that mean we can do that dinner we talked about?" I wanted to see him. It didn't matter if it was a walk in the park, coffee somewhere, or dinner at my penthouse. I needed to see him.
"Dinner sounds nice," Gianni replied. "I want to see that sunset you told me about."
"Great." A wide smile spread across my face as delight filled me. "Say, about six then? That will give us a little time to eat before the sun goes down." I was already starting to make plans in my head. "Is there anything you can't eat?"
"No, but not anything too heavy, please."
"Okay, then, I'll see you at six."
"One problem."
My heart skipped a beat. "What?"
"I don't know where you live."
I snorted before stating, "I'll text you my address." I was reluctant to hang up, but I had plans to make and people to call. "I'll see you tonight at six then."
"Okay, see you then."
I hung up and immediately sent Gianni the address and then dialed Vasso. The penthouse needed to be gone over and dinner needed to be started. I wanted something outside on the patio, something that would be romantic without seeming to be romantic.