Page 34 of Call of A Eagle
It was just as hard to believe that Xander’s attack had happened two weeks ago, too. His absence since then had left everyone uneasy. Even though we knew where Maribel was, Ellis had suggested waiting until we were sure Xander wasn’t watching us. The last thing we wanted was for him to catch wind of our plans and sabotage our chance to get her help.
It was a smart move.
However, tonight wasn’t for worrying about Xander or Maribel. Tonight, Waylen was taking me on a surprise date, and he wouldn’t tell me a thing about where we were going.
“You’ve got guts arguing with her about gardening,” I called out, making my way toward them.
Waylen glanced at me, smirking. “Guts or stupidity. I guess we’ll find out which one it is when the herbs start growing.”
Granny shook her head, clearly entertained by the conversation, though she’d never let on. “You’ll learn soon enough, boy.”
“So,” I said, joining them at the garden bed. My gaze shifted to lock on Waylen. “Are we still going on that date?”
“Absolutely.” His eyes sparkled with mischief, and he gave me a quick peck on the lips. “Let me hop in the shower first.”
“Hurry up,” I teased.
He grinned. “Ready to find out where I’m taking you?”
“I’ve been ready. You just won’t tell me.”
“And I’m not going to,” he replied. “It’s a surprise.”
“You sure it’s not because you haven’t figured it out yet?” I teased.
“I’ve had this planned for days,” he shot back, feigning offense. “Just trust me.”
Granny flashed me a knowing look, and I wondered what she was hiding.
“What?” I pressed her.
She shrugged. “Nothing.”
“What do you know? Do you know where he’s taking me?” I asked.
She tossed her hands into the air and started toward the cabin. “I’m not saying a word.”
“You two are impossible,” I muttered.
Waylen laughed. “Yeah, but you love us.”
He had me there.
“Keeps you on your toes,” Granny said. She glanced at me once she reached the porch, and I swore a heartfelt look entered her eye. “You two go have fun. I’ll keep things under control here.” She winked before slipping inside.
“Wanna join me in the shower?” Waylen asked once she was gone.
I shook my head. “I already took a shower today.”
“So, I don’t want to get my hair wet again.”
He shrugged. “Then just wear that plastic bonnet thing you always pull out when you don’t feel like washing your hair.”
I narrowed my eyes. “Hey, you promised you wouldn’t make fun of that. You even said I looked sexy in it.”
“Woman, you could wear a trash bag and still look sexy.”