Page 12 of My Silent Demon
The problem was, if I revealed the supernatural to her, I’d sacrifice our potentially fated relationship for her safety. I’d never wanted a relationship before... But I might want to try with N. She could hear me, which was new. Could I sacrifice that?
I guess to play Devil’s Advocate, there was no chance of a relationship if she died.
I growled and plopped onto the leather couch in my living room. This apartment previously belonged to Onyx, and I had changed nothing. The rooms were a mirror image of Wynn’s. The only additions I’d made were that my clothes were in the closet and my food was in the fridge.
I closed my eyes and leaned my head back against the couch. Could I terrify her for her safety?
What if I locked her in a cage to keep her safe until the killer was caught and I revealed nothing?
No, that was just as bad, maybe even worse. She’d be angry.
Could I push aside my selfishness and unveil the supernatural world to her?
I sighed. Onyx needed to hurry the fuck up. I had to do something besides being lost in my thoughts.
Chapter 6
I spent the weekend in my dorm room, working on the essays due in the upcoming week.
Wynn texted me a couple of times, but I hadn’t messaged her back.
I didn’t know what secret she kept from me, but it was big. I knew it made me a bit of a hypocrite since I was keeping the dreams a secret from Osian, but I didn’t care. My secret was meaningless. Her secret was major. I could feel it, and I didn’t like it.
Even though I was avoiding Osian, the dreams kicked into overtime. It was like I couldn’t even close my eyes without his presence. Every time I slept, Osian was there. So was that intense draw I felt to be near him.
After completing my essays, I decided to watch a movie. I turned off the light and took my laptop from the desk, then I settled onto my bed with the laptop beside me. I nuzzled into my pillow, pulled the comforter over me, and loaded the web browser.
A knock sounded at my door. I glanced at the time. My eyebrows wrinkled. It was 10:30 at night. Who would that be?
“Hold on!” I yelled.
I climbed out from under the comforter, crossed the room, and flicked on the light. I squinted at the brightness and glanced at the shorts and tank top I wore; oh well, whoever was at the door deserved pajamas for showing up so late. No makeup either. Served them right.
Opening the door, I froze when I saw Osian. He looked delicious, as always, in a gray pullover hoodie and jeans. His hands were tucked into the front hoodie pocket. Immediately,I wanted to throw my arms around him and pull him close. I shook my head to clear my thoughts.
Can I come in?he asked.
“Uhh. Sure.” I stepped back and let him enter the room.
He stepped inside, and I closed the door behind him.
“You can sit on the desk chair or the bed. Excuse the mess.”
Clothes littered one corner of the room around my dresser, books and papers were strewn across the desk that stretched in front of the window, and my bed was unmade. My room definitely wasn’t tidied for company.
Your room is fine.He pointed to himself.Bachelor.Osian sat in the desk chair and looked at me. He tucked his hands back into his pocket.
I shivered. Those black eyes remained unsettling. Why did I want to thread my fingers through his hair and kiss his eyelids when he closed those eyes, though?
I cleared my throat and crossed my arms over my chest. “What do you want?”
We need to talk.
That’s when it hit me. His hands hadn’t moved nor had his lips. “You aren’t signing. Why aren’t you signing?”
That’s one thing we need to talk about. Sit down, N.