Page 29 of My Silent Demon
I’ll keep you. It won’t be adoption, though.I pushed my cock even further inside her. It pressed against her inner walls and filled her pussy.
She gasped. “I’m okay with that.” She took a moment to breathe through her pleasure. “Stop, though. This is about being close without sex.”
I grumbled and kissed her neck. My hand squeezed her breast.
She asked, “What do you want to know about me?”
Hmm.My mind went to her terrified face the night I revealed the supernatural to her.You were afraid of me when you found out what I am. Why?
“I apologized for that.”
I know. What were you told?
She sighed. “One of my foster families was very religious. Church twice a week and prayers before everything. Before I got on the bus, before we ate, before bed. They told me demons would corrupt me and steal my soul.” She swallowed. “Demons were to be feared. I’m sorry.”
I squeezed her against me.Don’t apologize for what others taught you.Demons are to be feared. But you’re fated to one. You get an exception.I kissed her cheek.Plus, souls have to be freely given. We can’t steal them. Unfortunately. Do you know how much fun that would be?
N laughed. “I can only imagine. What was your childhood like?”
Onyx and I had... Let’s say “nontraditional” childhoods. We were demons, after all.I grinned at her.
Suddenly, air felt like it was pumped into the room.
“Osian, do you have any tortilla chips?” Onyx shouted from the kitchen.
I was about to mentally shout back to him, then realized what I was doing and shook my head. It was easy to forget that others couldn’t hear me.
Can you tell him they’re in the cabinet above the sink?I asked N.
“Cabinet above the sink!” she called.
A cabinet banged, and a bag rustled. “Found them. Dinner’s in 20!”
The air was sucked out of the room.
N laughed. “He’s a whirlwind.”
I hummed neutrally. I’d have to take her word for it. After being around him for so long, I was used to the chaos.
“We should probably get ready for dinner.”
Do we have to?I nuzzled into her neck and squeezed her nipple.
N laughed. “We have to.” She slid off my cock and sat up. “Get ready.” She kissed me then got up and walked away.
I laid on the couch and flung an arm over my eyes. Evil woman. This denial was torture. If I didn’t know better, I would swear she was a demoness.
Chapter 14
“You never work. How do you have money?” N asked as we sat down for lunch. She shoved a plate with a sandwich and chips across the table at me.
Brioche bread, ham, cheese, and veggies, with mustard. My favorite sandwich. And N made it for me, which made it even better.
Onyx and I made a few investments when technology started becoming popular. We aren’t billionaires but neither of us need to work. He just works so he doesn’t get bored.
I tore a bite of sandwich with my teeth and closed my eyes as I chewed. Delicious.