Page 37 of My Silent Demon
I slipped and fell in the mud. I pried myself from the sucking substrate as fast as I could. An angry red scratch ran down my arm, and I was completely soaked, but I didn’t have time to feel it. I had to get away.
Branches cracked behind me as the dog grew closer. I ran even faster as I sobbed.
Almost out of nowhere, I spotted a cabin ahead. With relief, I headed there. Maybe I could lock them out temporarily and figure a way out of this.
My feet left muddy prints over the floorboards of the porch. I shoved through the front door and slammed it behindme. I felt for a lock and, once it was bolted in place, I turned my back to the door and faced the room.
It was completely dark, only moonlight streamed through the window beside the door. In the moonlight, I looked down at my arm. The scratch that was still there throbbed. So did the back of my head. This wasn’t a dream.
Chapter 19
I paced in front of the apartment door and nervously ran a hand through my hair. Where was she? Night had already fallen outside. I could feel she wasn’t nearby through our fated link but I didn’t want to invade her privacy.
I’d returned to the apartment earlier with Wynn’s direction and hints to wait patiently. But something was wrong, I could feel it. N’s heartbeat had accelerated.
Maybe she was having sex. I didn’t like the thought of someone else touching her, but demons did that all the time in relationships. It wasn’t the end of the world. She could’ve told me, but maybe for some reason she thought it had to stay secret. Human prejudice, maybe?
I sucked on my peppermint candy in worry.
Intense fear broadcasted through our connection, and my heart stuttered. Shit. That wasn’t sex.
Without another thought, I transported into Onyx and Wynn’s living room.
Onyx pressed his body over Wynn’s as they made out on the couch. I rolled my eyes and cleared my throat.
Onyx broke the kiss and turned his head to look at me. “It’s your own fault. You didn’t knock first.”
Not important. N is missing,I signed.
He frowned and moved into a seated position. Wynn sat up, too.
“What do you mean N’s missing?” Onyx asked.
Something is wrong. I can sense it.
Onyx turned to Wynn. “You saw her last. Where was she going?”
Wynn furrowed her eyebrows. “She planned to walk to the grocery store to pick up some ingredients for dinner. Shesaid to stay here to keep Osian distracted, that she’d be back before dark.”
Onyx looked at me. “But she hasn’t returned?”
I shook my head.
“Can you feel her? Is she okay?”
She is alive and scared. Her heartbeat pounds like she is in distress.
“Well, shit.” Onyx opened the coffee table and grabbed a handgun. “Wynn, stay here and keep the door locked.”
Onyx stood and tucked the gun into his waistband. He walked to me and grasped my arm. His black gaze found mine. “Let’s bring her home.”
I nodded and used the fated link to transport us to N.
Chapter 20