Page 12 of My Guardian Demon
I smirked. "I can."
I didn't tell her this was a witch's diner and all the food was magically charged. Or that I knew an equally good place for lunch. The effects of the food would wear off shortly, but Wynn would forever remember that food as delicious.
"You ready?" I asked.
She nodded and grabbed her purse.
"I got it." I tossed bills on the table and stood before she got her purse open. "Let's head out."
Wynn stood from her seat. "Are you sure? I can pay my half," she protested.
"Don't worry about it, little one. I've got it."
I pressed a palm to her lower back, and we headed out the door.
"This isn't a date. You don't need to pay for me," she said. "Or call me nicknames."
I nodded. "I'm well aware. Not worried about it. Little one."
She glared as we walked to my car and I helped her into the passenger side. I shut her door and stepped to the front of the car only to be stopped by a beautiful demoness. She looked good with light gray skin and curled ram-like horns. To Wynn, she would look mostly human with long brown hair. The only tell of her race to humans would be her black pupils. This demoness had made passes at me previously, but I'd always turned her down. Monica. She eyed me like I was a delicious dessert in front of her. No fear. I wanted to snarl at her because something didn't feel right. I contained that reaction, but barely.
"Hey, want me to take the human off your hands? She has to be cramping your style. I can get rid of her for you," Monica said, a beautiful smile across her lips.
"No," I said.
She frowned and grabbed my arm. "Is there something special about her? Maybe we can maximize the reward you receive if you let me in on the deal."
I shook her off. "Don't touch me. I'm not interested. There is no reward, forget about it. The human's my pet."
Monica hissed when I kept walking and climbed into the driver's seat. I couldn't have her thinking Wynn was worth a reward; she might try to steal Wynn if she thought that. After a quick glance at Wynn to make sure she buckled in, I buckled my own seatbelt. I started the ignition and pulled away from my parking spot — and Monica. A glance in the rearview mirror showed Monica standing there, watching us leave.
"Who was that?" Wynn asked. "She seemed pretty into you." At least Wynn was done glaring.
I shook my head. "That was nobody. She's asked me out before, but I always turn her down." I hoped Wynn hadn't seen Monica's eyes. I wasn't ready to explain the paranormal to Wynn yet.
"Why? She looked really beautiful."
Was that jealousy I heard in Wynn's voice? A smile tipped the corners of my mouth.
"Are you jealous?" I teased.
"What? No." She shook her head. She almost looked like she was convincing herself. "I thought you might be interested, though. She is beautiful."
"I don't like her," I said simply. "Not happening. Although it is nice to know you like me."
She rolled her eyes. She said, "As a friend. I like you as a friend."
I was not convinced at all. "Yeah, we'll go with that."
I smirked at her then glanced back at the road. I switched on my turn signal and merged into the right lane. A few cars turned into the road from a light on the other side of the road, and I followed them when it was my turn. I pulled into the gun range parking lot and eased the car into a space.
A quick push of the button turned the ignition off, and I removed my seatbelt.
"Let's see what you learn today," I said to Wynn as I opened the door and stepped out of the car.
We walked into the range together. The front room looked like your typical outdoors store, with a counter and cash register along one wall. Doors at the back led to the indoor shooting range.
We approached the cashier, a teenager who barely looked old enough to work here.