Page 16 of My Guardian Demon
"Sure. We will. When he's no longer an issue."
"When will that be?"
Onyx looked me over with his black eyes. "When he's dead."
I almost felt like he was serious. But he had to be joking again, right?
"You can't joke about stuff like that."
Onyx half-smiled. "Not joking."
Exasperated, I said, "Eston won't be a problem."
Onyx chuckled. "Oh, I know he won't be a problem. I plan to find and kill him. Don't worry about him. We'll continue training in the meantime." He took a drink from his soda.
He raised an eyebrow at me. "Wynn."
"You can't do anything to Eston."
"He shouldn't have done anything to you, but he's already burned that bridge." Onyx cleared his throat. "Food will be here soon." He took another drink.
Seconds later, the server arrived and slid plates in front of us. Mine was chicken and dumplings with a basket of bread on the side; Onyx's was a Philly cheesesteak sandwich.
"Bon appétit," the server said and kissed his fingers like a fancy French server. "Enjoy your food." He left the table.
I stared at my plate in wonder. I'd been craving this. Home cooked chicken and dumplings, rather. This looked exactly like what my mother made.
"Don't let it get cold. Dig in," Onyx said. He took a large bite from his sandwich and closed his eyes in pleasure.
I picked up a fork and hesitantly speared a dumpling. I stared at it a moment then bit into it. OMG, these tasted exactly like home. I moaned at the flavor explosion on my tongue and dug in.
"How? How did they know?" I asked between bites.
Onyx grinned. "Eat, little one. Enjoy it."
Not willing to let any of this delicious food go to waste, I ate every bite and scooped up the remnants with what turned out to be fresh, homemade bread.
Onyx finished his sandwich and wiped his mouth with a napkin. His dark eyes flicked over me. He seemed content that I was well-fed.
As the food settled, more questions hit me. How did this place know my cravings? What was going on?
I touched Onyx's arm. He focused on me. "How?"
He tossed his napkin on his empty plate and covered my hand with his. He met my gaze and held it.
"I'm going to tell you something that might be hard to accept. I need you to open your mind and accept that sometimes... Well, impossible comes true. Okay?"
"I... I'll try."
He nodded. "That's all I ask." He cleared his throat and looked at the table. "So you know how there's natural and there's 'supernatural,' right?"
I nodded.
He squeezed my hand.
"In the human world, there's a break between the two. They don't mix often. Humans don’t really see the supernatural."