Page 33 of My Guardian Demon
"What can I say? You're my exception." He offered a small smile.
I gasped when I finally noticed the bruising on this chest. The dark coloring covered his gray skin. It had to hurt.
"I can't believe you blew this off." My fingertips found the bruises. I tried to be gentle but Onyx still winced.
"It's okay. I'll heal. It's more important that you're okay. Do you feel better?"
My lips brushed across the bruises before I said, "I do."
"Good." He kissed my temple. "Let's set you up on the couch for a few. You need to go to bed, but I want to be with you when you do. I have something to take care of first. Wait for me."
Onyx took me to the living room and set me up on the couch. He wrapped me in a cover, gave me the remote, and even made me a cup of hot chocolate.
"Stay here," he said. "I'll be back soon. Don't go to bed without me. I don't want you in that room alone right now."
I nodded and watched him disappear into the bathroom. He came out wearing his shirt and jeans. With one last look at me, he disappeared.
I drank my hot chocolate, then shut my eyes and napped.
I don't know how long passed before Onyx was back, waking me up.
"Come on, sleepyhead." He coaxed me off the couch and we stumbled, me half asleep, up the hall to my bed.
Images of Eston flashed before my eyes as I entered the room, fully waking me. I whimpered from the bad memories.
"Shhh." Onyx kissed my temple. "This is your room. Eston doesn't belong here. You're going to take back your space. He's not welcome here."
Onyx flicked off the light, and we curled up together on the bed. I never changed out of my towel, but Onyx didn't seem to care.
The memory of Eston pointing his gun at me as I huddled on the bed kept coming to mind. I couldn't fall asleep like this.
Onyx asked after a few minutes, "Can't sleep?"
I sighed. "No, I can't. I don't know if I'll be able to sleep in here."
"Let's create some better memories then."
"What do you mea— oh fuck," I moaned as Onyx dipped under the cover, below my towel, and licked my pussy. Hours later, my lips — above and below — wereswollen, I dripped demon cum, and any memory of Eston was distantly in the past.
Chapter 17
"What do you mean he got away?" I stared at Onyx across my kitchen counter the next morning as we had breakfast.
"I put Eston in the torture rack before I left to check on you last night. He got out. I'm not sure how but there was a lot of blood. Whatever he did, he hurt himself to do it."
My breathing came harder and lights colored my vision. Fear paralyzed me in place.
Onyx was around the counter and holding me in seconds.
"Please don't panic. He'll show his face in a few days and I'll get him when he does. I only need to find him. He won't get to you first."
I buried my face in his shoulder and hugged him close. He radiated warmth and the fabric of his T-shirt tickled my face. My tears fell against his shirt as I gasped for breath.
"You didn't tell me this last night," I said.