Page 19 of War
I couldn't help myself. I kissed her cheek.
“Sweet dreams, Ms.—”
Neo started to help me. “Her last name is—”
“Ah-ah-ah. Do not tell him,” Amantha interrupted. “We have a bet. He has two weeks to guess my last name. And if you help him, I'll take your phone for a month.”
I stood and whispered behind my hand to Neo, “I'll buy you a new phone. Whatever you want, the newest model. Service paid for a year.”
Amantha added, “And I'll take your PlayStation. And the TV out of your room. For two months.”
I whispered, “You can live with me. I have a bachelor pad that has all of that. And I'll take you skydiving.”
Neo laughed. “You two are perfect for each other.”
My heart lunged in my chest.
No.Think of her as a sibling.
Amantha frowned. “What do you mean?”
“Aunt Amantha, I've lived with you long enough. I know. I guarantee, if you were trying to get your way, you'd do exactlywhat he is. You're exactly alike.” He gestured at the door and looked at me. “I can help you grab the wheelchair.”
“Great. Thanks, man.” I turned to Amantha. “Night, sugar tits.”
She laughed. “Night, salty balls.”
Neo sighed and shook his head. “I don't want to know.”
I laughed and walked outside. Neo followed me, leaving the door cracked behind him.
“Stay here under the roof,” I instructed Neo. “I'll grab the chair and bring it to you.”
I darted out into the rain.
Holy shit, I forgot how cold the rain was.
I opened the back door of the truck and pulled out the wheelchair. Quickly, I shut the door and jogged it back to Neo.
“Thank you,” he said. He put his hands around the handles, which were close together from the chair being folded.
“You're welcome. Will I see you tomorrow? I'm picking Amantha up at 8:30.” I rubbed my hands over my arms and hunched my shoulders in an effort to stay warm.
Neo shook his head. “Nah, I leave for school before that.”
“Well, it was nice to meet you, Neo.” I held my hand out to shake his.
He shook my hand. “You too. I'm sure I'll see you again, though. Take me skydiving?”
I laughed. “Sure. Hit me up. I'll take you.”
“Sweet. Night, Z.”
I smiled. I liked that he was giving me a nickname. “Night, Neo.”
As Neo disappeared through the door with the wheelchair, I turned back to the rain. At least the truck's heat was still on.