Page 30 of War
One more gulp from the Jack Daniels bottle left it empty. I peered into the bottle to make sure I wasn't imagining things, then dropped it onto the roof behind me.
Drinking seemed like a great way to pass time until I could go skydiving again.
The town lights in the distance were all blurred and streaked. Honestly, they were a lot prettier like this.
My phone chirped in my pocket. I pulled it out and looked at it. Apparently, I had a new text message, but the letters all blurred together and I couldn't make out the words.
I hit “call” and brought the phone to my ear.
The phone rang a few times before a female voice answered. “Zion? Are you okay?”
I have to attempt this talking thing. I slurred, “Whatever you texxx-texxx-mess-fuck. Whatever you sss-said with letters, tell me. I can't read it right now.”
“Are you drunk?”
I held the fingers of my free hand up in front of my face and pinched them together in front of my eyes. “Little bit.”
“Where are you?”
I put my hand down and looked at my surroundings. Moving my head too much made me dizzy. I shut my eyes.
Immediately, I started to drift off.
I startled awake. “What?”
“Where are you?”
The lights in the distance caught my attention. Pretty.
“What? Get off the roof!”
“Mmm. But I don't wanna.”
“Please, Zion. For me. Get off the roof.”
“Who isss thiss anyway?”
“This is Amantha.”
I smiled and perked up. “Ma-mantha! How are you?”
“I'm okay. I'd be a lot better if you could check something on TV for me. Mine’s not working.”
“Okay, ssssure. Hold on a ssssecond.”
I laid the phone on the wall and twisted my body around to put my feet on the roof.
The movement made my head swim and I swayed backward for a second.
“Whoa,” I moaned and shut my eyes.
“Zion! Zion!” I heard being yelled through the phone.
Oh yeah, I had to do something. I stood on the roof’s flat surface and picked up the phone.