Page 2 of She's Got that Fire
"Have you ever had someone examine your setup to double-check?" I step even closer.
"Well…no. I mean, I don’t want to bother anyone about it." Her hand waves vaguely to where the last of the men are climbing into their trucks. "You guys are always so busy."
"Part of what we do is engage with the community, have discussions, double-check things for people. I'd be happy to take a look at your setup if you like."
Her eyes are huge. I could get lost in them for hours. "Oh! That's super nice of you. But I'm sure you have better things to do."
Better things to do than admire the most beautiful woman I've ever seen? Yeah, right. I pull out my card, which simply reads "Miller Roofing" above my email and phone number. "I'm Liam."
She takes my card, quickly reads it, and slips into her purse. "Opal."
Of course she would have an almost magical name. "Well, now that we're old friends," I wink, "you should feel free to text me anytime. If I'm not up on a roof, I'll get back to you right away and let you know when I can drop by to make sure you're being as safe as possible."
Uncertainty is written all over her lovely face. "Okay. Maybe. Well, thanks."
She turns to leave and my hand darts out to stop her, my finger lightly hooking her pinky. Just touching her soft skin sends a tremor through me.
"I really would love to help," I say as gently as possible. "If I ever ended up at a fire call for something I could have helpedprevent…" My head shakes, and I feel my jaw tighten. "It would get under my skin and drive me crazy forever."
Opal laughs, slowly pulling her finger away. "Sure. Okay, I'll try to text you next week."
"Thank you."
She starts to walk away, giving me a glorious view of her heart-shaped ass, then stops short. "The VFFT logo on the trucks. What's that stand for?"
My chuckle makes her eyes light up, which feels like a great sign. "We pronounce itvift. It stands for Volunteer Firefighters of the Triangle – meaning the area of West Stoneburg, Cedarville, and Old Hemlock Valley."
"Got it. Thanks." My mind is swirling with questions as she heads for an old gray car parked at the side of the road.
How could I have such a spark with a woman after just speaking to her for a few minutes? What if her setup isn’t actually safe, and she burns her house down tomorrow? Is she actually going to text me? What am I going to do if she doesn't? How will I make sure I see her again?
Forcing myself to calm down, I walk toward my truck. There can’t be many beautiful blondes named Opal in a town this small. I'll have to have faith in the universe that I'll find her again.
The next time I see her, I'm going to be a lot smoother, and ask her out properly.
Because I already have a feeling about this gorgeous artsy arsonist. She's kindled something brand new inside me, and I need the fire to catch hold.
How in the hell am I supposed to concentrate on my work when I have officially met the sexiest man in the world?
Liam. Such a sturdy, sensible name. I loved the little bits of copper in his dark brown hair where the sun kissed it. It was amazing against his strong, tan profile. The guy looked like he walked right out of a fitness commercial.
Every time he looked into my eyes yesterday, it felt like flames were burning up the sides of my face. I really hope I wasn't blushing in front of him. Or if I was, please let him have thought it was the fresh air, or sunshine.
Honestly, when he held my pinkie finger for a moment, I thought my knees were going to give out. That simple touch rattled me so hard that I woke up a few times in the night, and every time I did, I pictured his striking face again.
Walking through downtown West Stoneburg after returning a couple of books to the charming red brick library, I look up and down the street. It's so chill here. Nothing like the city. I had just started feeling thoroughly sick of the hustle of Chicago when my cousin Angie told me she needed a roommate to share her small basement apartment. Total sign, thank you, Universe.
(Needless to say, I jumped at the chance.)
My previous place had no outdoor space for me to work. And sneaking around trying to find remote parking lots to set up tiny fires was a surefire – no pun intended – way to end up being ticketed for something.
Turning left, I walk past a couple of stores, idly gazing in the windows. I should get home and make dinner, yet I just feel so…restless. Maybe it's because Liam's business card is practically burning a hole – oh my god, again with the puns – in my purse. But there's no way I can call him. My thumbs quiver if I even think about texting him. A gorgeous older man like that has probably forgotten all about me already. He probably?—
"Hey, Opal."