Page 5 of She's Got that Fire
She laughs, then her hand lands on my arm. "If we start to get cozy, people will think I'm just using you for your fire protection services."
"Like I’d give a damn what anyone else thinks." Our bodies shift, gradually pressing together as her chin tilts up. "Just you, beautiful."
Maybe I should wait longer, but there's no escaping this pull between us.
My palm drifts around the sensual curve of her hip as I hover there, our lips barely touching. She's not hesitating, but she's definitely waiting for me to make the next move. Which means…damn, I'm not sure. Has she never kissed anyone before?
My blood surges, lust overtaking me as I kiss her gently but with all the inner fire I possess. I choke back the groan closing my throat as we melt against each other.
Something clicks in the back of my mind the second her arms wrap around my waist. Opal is mine. This is destiny. Kismet. Fate.
Even with my eyes closed, I can feel every single inch of her body pressed against me, sense the way her hair ruffles in the evening breeze, the way her cheeks tighten as she smiles when the kiss grows deeper, our breath mingling. Holding this precious girl reawakens things deep within me that I thought I had abandoned.
She smells faintly of grapefruit shampoo, with an underlying sweetness that is just her skin. Intoxicating. Every second with this luscious girl in my arms is a triumph. I didn't think I'd ever find an interesting, gorgeous girl who might actually want to live here on the mountain.
My palm slides up her back, cradling her body as we lean completely against each other. Her breasts press to my chest as I caress her hip, my hand gradually sliding down to cup her luscious, round peach of an ass.
The porch light snaps on and we both jump apart guiltily. A face appears in the side window, then the curtain falls closed again.
"Crap." Opal's head shakes. "Guess I'm going to have some explaining to do."
"Is that so bad?" I love the way her gaze tracks my shoulders as I shrug easily. "I'm a roofer with steady work. I'm well-respected in town."
Her lovely eyes roll. "Dude, you're a volunteer firefighter. Lead with that. It makes you sound like a superhero."
I've never thought of it that way. But I suppose if I needed to impress her family or landlords, that would help.
"May I get your number? I don't know what time I'll be finished tomorrow, but after work, I can come over and check out your setup properly."
I enter her name in my phone as Fire Opal. It makes her laugh – a silvery, sparkling sound that soothes every nerve in my body. I'm already hypnotized by her. Infatuated. Possibly addicted.
One more quick, breathless kiss, then I step back as she unlocks the door and tiptoes inside. Walking back to my truck, I feel relaxed and tense at the same time. Fired up, as my dad always calls it.
Why not? She's a gorgeous blonde with light blue eyes and unbelievable curves. Hips that I want to clamp my hands around and never let go.
I just hope that her work doesn't clash with mine. That she's the safe kind of quirky.
The kind I could build a life with.
I’m not exactly a morning person. Okay, I don't mind them, I'm just a total zombie for the first twenty minutes after I get up. Luckily, Angie has already left for work, so I don't have to worry about being quiet.
Staring at the slowly dripping coffeemaker, giver of life, my mind replays the events of yesterday. Liam kissed me. Well, we kissed each other. If you could even call that kissing… It was a full blown make out session that escalated quickly.
I shiver, remembering the feel of his huge firm muscles against my palms. The way his mouth molded to mine. It was the gold standard for all first kisses, but it was the way he clutched my body against his that just made me feel…everything. So much potential.
If we hadn't been interrupted, I might have been tempted to invite him inside.
Somewhere in my addled pre-caffeine brain it occurs to me that I should not be thinking things like this so quickly. We barely know each other. It's ridiculous. Yet I can't stop thinkingthat I wish he was here now. I just want to be in the same space as him.
I've been totally obsessed with my photography for the past several years. Suddenly, I'm just as infatuated with Liam. Instead of staring into flames, I need to look into his eyes and steal more of his kisses. Rather than calculating the trajectory of the fire, I want to guess where his hands are going to move next.
I've barely taken two sips of coffee when my phone pings with a text.