Page 110 of Better Than Revenge
“Really?” he asked.
“You are amazing.”
He pressed his lips to mine.
SOMEHOW, THEO HAD CONVINCED MRS.Carpenter to let him leave the lifeguard tower on the football field through spring break, referencing art history and local legends. Whatever he said, it worked, and now, on a Tuesday afternoon, we were standing in front of said tower waiting for my parents and grandma to arrive because another miracle had happened over the weekend, as well—Alice had messaged me that she found the board in the shed. Which meant that somehow Cheryl had ended up with it again, and I didn’t want to know how.
I’d hang on to the story of Grandma and Andrew in love in the lifeguard tower forever…or at least until she met my grandpa.
My friends and I had gone and collected the board and placed it in the tower. We weren’t the only ones in the field. A few families walked around the structure, looking at the somewhat-faded paintings. Yesterday a news crew had come out and done a piece on it where they actually referenced my podcast.
“Are you going to wait inside or right here?” Deja asked as I nervously wrung my hands, pacing in front of the steps. At first Theo tried to hold my hand, help me relax, but then he stopped and just smiled at me sweetly with each pass.
“You want her to wait inside and do what?” Max asked. “Jump out and yell surprise, scare her grandma?”
“Isit a surprise?” Deja asked.
“I mean, no?” I said.
Lee gave me a confused face.
“I told her,” I clarified. “But she might not remember.”
“Oh, right,” he said just as I saw Grandma, flanked by my parents, walking our way. Corey had come as well, home for spring break.
Grandma’s eyes were on the tower, a smile on her lips.
“Do you want me to record with my phone?” Theo asked. “So you can be in the moment?”
“Yes, please.” I rushed forward to meet her halfway.
“This is amazing, Fin,” Mom said. Dad and Corey agreed.
“Isn’t it cool?” I said.
Dad gave up his place next to Grandma, and I hooked my arm in hers.
“Why is it here?” she asked.
“Long story,” I said.
“I like long stories.”
“My boyfriend used it as a grand gesture.”
She squinted her eyes at me. “Are you confusing our stories?”
“No, I’m not.”
“Is this your boyfriend?” she asked as we reached Theo. She’dmet him at the house both yesterday and the day before, along with my parents and brother, but new people were harder for her to remember.
“It is,” I said.
“Hi, I’m Theo,” he said, shaking her hand. “Nice to meet you.”