Page 85 of Better Than Revenge
She handed me back the pictures. “We wanted to help you find the board.”
Maxwell nodded.
“I didn’t think you’d want to dig through a dirty shed.” The truth was, I was being selfish. I had wanted to be alone with Theo.
“I’m the one who has been listening to your podcast forever. I’m the one who was excited about the board. You took Theo?” She was hurt. We hadn’t even gotten to the bigger admission.
“I’m so sorry,” I said, realizing my misstep. I really should’ve brought my friends. I hadn’t thought anyone would care this much. I was surprised when Theo asked to join. I tucked the pictures into my binder and zipped my backpack shut.
Then, in a show of terrible timing, a pair of arms wrapped around me from behind and a kiss was planted on my cheek. “Hey,” Theo’s low voice said into my ear. “Good morning.”
My eyes were on my friends who all had varying degrees of shocked looks on their faces.
“And I’m out,” Deja said, and with a flip of her hair, she walked away.
“Wait,” I started, taking a step to go after her. But Theo’s arms were still around me, holding me in place.
“Just give her some time,” Lee said, putting his hand on my shoulder.
Theo dropped his arms and slid into place beside me. “What happened?”
“This happened,” Maxwell said, pointing between us, his shocked expression turning into one of pure delight. “I need all the details.”
“I thought you told your friends,” Theo said.
I closed my eyes. If I had to see one more hurt expression this morning, I was going to have to take a sick day.
“I had started to text them but decided it was better in person. I was just about to tell them,” I said. “And then…”
The first bell rang, and I looked up, like the sky had made that happen.
“I’ll work on Deja,” Lee said. “You can tell us all about it at lunch.”
I nodded as he grabbed Maxwell’s hand and they walked away. Maxwell looked over his shoulder and mouthedOMGalong with a silent scream. I smiled but only halfway. I’d screwed everything up.
“I’m sorry” was the first thing I said when they were gone.
“Do you regret this weekend?” he asked.
I turned to face him. “No. Not at all. Do you?”
“Theo!” someone called as he walked by. “Scrimmage today after school?”
“I’m busy after school!” he called back. “I’m in for Wednesday.”
Theo turned his attention back to me.
“What are you doing after school?” I asked.
“I’ll be with you,” he said.
“You will?”
“When are you going to realize that I just want to be near you, Finley? All the time.”