Page 9 of Rescuing Ember
And now they’re dragging me right back into the hell of my old life.
“Fine by me,” the other voice replies. “Sooner we dump these two, the better.”
Dump. The word sends a chill down my spine. Are they planning to kill us?
Or hand us off to someone else?
I look at Aria, and the same fear is reflected in her eyes. We need a plan now.
I test my bonds, subtle movements disguised as shifting positions. The Zip Ties are tight and cutting into my skin.
A sudden movement catches my eye. The man in the passenger seat turns, leveling a gun at us.
“Don’t even think about it, street rat.” His eyes are cold, a hint of madness lurking beneath the surface. This one’s dangerous. Unpredictable. “One wrong move, and I put a bullet in your kneecap. Got it?”
I freeze, heart thundering in my chest. “Got it,” I whisper.
He smirks, a cruel twist of lips. “Smart little rat. Now, both of you shut the fuck up. I’m tired of listening to your yapping.”
The other kidnapper sighs. “Put the gun away, Twitch. Boss wants them unharmed.”
Twitch. Fitting name for the twitchy psycho with a gun.
“Unharmed doesn’t mean comfortable,” Twitch snarls, but he lowers the weapon.
Silence descends, heavy and oppressive. I close my eyes, focusing on my other senses. The van’s suspension creaks as we take a turn. Horns blare in the distance. We’re in heavier traffic now.
My mind races, grasping for any scrap of information that might help us, but the reality of our situation can’t be denied. We’re at the mercy of these men.
Aria shifts beside me, a tiny movement that speaks volumes. I open my eyes to find her staring at me, tears streaming silently down her cheeks.
“It’s going to be okay.”I mouth the words, not daring to speak aloud.
She gives a barely perceptible nod, but doubt flickers in her eyes. Hell, I feel it too. But giving into despair won’t help either of us.
I think of my life on the streets, of all the close calls and desperate situations. I’ve survived this long. I’m not about to give up now.
The van’s speed increases and the engine’s growl grows louder. Wherever we’re going, we’re almost there because suddenly, the quality of sound outside changes. The echoes of other vehicles fade, replaced by the crunch of gravel beneath tires. We’re off the main road.
Panic claws at my throat, but I force it down. This is it.
Our last chance.
I catch Aria’s eye, trying to convey a silent message.Be ready.For what, I’m not sure. But whatever happens next, we face it together.
The van slows and stops. The engine cuts off, and for a moment, there is silence.
Then, the back doors swing open.
Blinding light floods the van. I squint against it, my heart pounding. As my eyes adjust, I catch a glimpse of our surroundings.
My breath catches.
Yeah… I know this place.
The abandoned warehouse looms before us. Its broken windows remind me of jagged teeth against the sky—a relic from my past, a shelter on my darkest nights, a living hell the rest of the time.
Of all the places in this sprawling city, they brought us here.