Page 14 of The Gangster King
I hate him for it.
I told him to stop. Which he did...and then came on me in a show so erotic I’m now on the edge with no way of release.
Because I am not going to ask for it.
Dante’s glistening eyes find mine, and he moves to cup my face while he smirks.
So I do what any self-respecting Italian woman would do.
I slap him.
I probably deserved the slap, butdamn,did she have to hit me so fucking hard?
Adelina stopped me and clearly regrets it, if the need in her eyes was anything to go on. That and she’s mad that we both crossed a line we never have before.
I’m not sorry.
She tasted like heaven.
Despite what happened, Adelina hasn’t said a word to her father or her brother since the now famous SlapGate a few days ago.
While my cock was still dripping, I caught her wrists and glared down at her, giving her a stark warning.
“Don’t forget who I am, kitten. We’re in this together now. Do you think Leo or your father would be happy to know you let me in here without their knowledge?”
“You asshole. You said you were going to leave,” she hissed at me.
I’d released her arm and climbed off the bed.
“Not yet. I need to find out what’s going on, get hold of my men, and make a plan.”
I’d walked into her adjoining bathroom and cleaned up, bringing a warm washcloth back out with me. When I tossed itto her from the end of her four-poster bed, Adelina threw it back at me.
Which...let’s just say I won’t be inviting her to our social baseball club any time soon.
I don’t play baseball, but you get my point.
It fell short.
Which just made her angrier.
“You have an hour, then you need to leave,” she said as I picked it up and tossed it on the bed.
She kicked it off.
I sighed and pulled on my clothes, staring at her as I fastened my jeans. She’d already straightened her nightie, but the rise and fall of her chest just reminded me Adelina was still highly aroused.
Shirtless, I sat on the edge of the bed.
“This is going to take some time. A couple of days, but I’m just as eager to get home,” I said, partly lying, because if I woke to that every morning, I wouldn’t be in a hurry to leave.
My eyes had dipped to her hard nipples, reminding me that I’d licked her pussy, sucked on her clit, even penetrated her with my fingers, and left her needy.