Page 98 of The Gangster King
“Agreed,” Barrett said, and while I wasn’t sure I trusted him, I did trust my instincts. So I planned to just enjoy the food and luxury flight to the West Coast if any red flags went off.
When I was showered and packed and had spoken to Ricky, I head downstairs for a coffee.
“Mama.” I kissed her forehead. “I’m heading to the West Coast. I’ll be back in a few days.”
“What? Why?” She turned.
“Business,” I replied, pouring a cup of black coffee. “I’ll be back for father’s funeral in a couple of days.”
She wasn’t happy
I watched as Nick walked in, poured himself a coffee, then leaned against the counter.
“What’s the plan?” he asked, then eyed my overnight bag on the floor.
“I’m heading out of state for a few days.”
His cup lowered. “I’ll go pack—”
“No need. I’m taking a couple of the men. Need you to stay here with Angela.” I replied, referring to my mother.
He stared at me and then at her.
I held up my hand and shook my head, then drained my mug. “Decision is made. Nick, I need you here.”
“What’s going on?”
I couldn’t tell him.
He was right to look concerned, but I needed him here in New York, keeping things running.
Plus, I couldn’t have him meeting the Dark Kings.
If that is who they are.
Once I had Adelina back in my arms and a plan, I would consider Nick’s future. He was my best friend...but whether he was someone I could trust going forward was something I had to consider.
Our entire lives were about to change, and no one had a clue.
Thank god.
I slapped him on the shoulder. “I’ll be home in a few days. Keep things going here for me. Stay in touch.”
“Talk to me, Dante.” Nick followed me outside after I kissed my mother’s head, and she shot me a soft smile.
The more I thought about the plans I had, the more I wondered about Adelina running away. Were our visions for the future so different?
My mother was right. I never asked Adelina a single fucking question.
Not an important one in any case.
Do you want my cock is probably not what my mother had in mind.
Ugh...get that visual out of my head.
Now, as I sit outside the motel Addy’s staying in, I make the decision to watch her for a while before confronting her.