Page 34 of Brutal Reign
I glance up at the sound of someone loudly clearing their throat behind me, blanching when I find Ares standing there.
“Hey Riv,” he greets, tipping his head.
“Ares,” I breathe, smoothing my hair back and plastering on my best fake smile. “What’s up?”
He presses his own lips together in a tight line. “You were late today, you know what that means,” he says, lifting a finger and twirling it in the air.
Fuck my life.
“C’mon, Ares, it was only a couple of minutes,” I purr, batting my lashes and trying my best to appeal to his flirtatious nature.
For a second, it almost seems like I’ll get away with it. His eyes flicker over my form, his tongue darting out to lick his lips.
Please take the bait…
“I know, but rules are rules,” Ares sighs, stabbing his fingers through his thick red hair. “Sorry, Riv, but if I make exceptions for you, I’ll have to make ‘em for everyone.”
My heart plummets. It’s my own damn fault for not watching the clock, but this still feels colossally unfair. Running is hardly even a punishment for most of my fellow recruits. For me, it’s akin to torture.
Seb and Ace know that. They used to tease me mercilessly about how much I hate running, so I wouldn’t be surprised if they were the ones who put Ares up to this. In fact, I can almost bet on it.
“Fine,” I grit out, accepting my fate and fighting to keep my expression neutral while I push up from the ground and brush the dirt off my leggings. “How many?”
“Six. One for every minute you were late,” Ares responds.
I nod, holding my head high as I pivot to head for the track, even though I feel like fucking crying right now.
I won’t let anyone here see my weaknesses.
I won’t let them win.
The breeze ruffles my hair as I peer out at the road over the handlebars of the motorcycle, the rubber grips chilly beneath my palms as I curl my fingers tighter around them. The leather seat under my ass is cold, but I’ll bet it isn’t when the engine’s running. It must feel incredible to have that much power roar to life between your legs– to have the world whiz past you as the wind slaps you in the face; to lean into turns at speed while defying death. To be wild and reckless just for the thrill of it.
Flexing my hands around the grips, my eyes slip closed as I picture myself doing exactly that. In my mind’s eye, I’m speeding along a forest road with the engine growling beneath me, adrenaline pulsing through my veins to the tune of AC/DC’s ‘Highway to Hell’.
The sound of approaching footsteps shuffling across the pavement pulls me from my fantasy, and I blink my eyes open to see River striding up the packhouse driveway, her hands shoved in the front pocket of her black hoodie and her beat-upConverse sneakers scuffing across the ground. Our eyes meet for a moment, then her gaze drops to the motorcycle beneath me, brow furrowing and head tilting in question.
“Hey, check it out,” I call, lifting my chin and trying to look half as cool as I feel right now sitting astride this machine. “Whatcha think?”
“Whose bike is that?” she asks, her curious gaze touring the curves of the motorcycle as she wanders closer.
I frown, irritated that the bike has garnered her attention rather than how badass I look perched on its seat. “Nash’s,” I bite out, tipping my head toward the packhouse. “He’s inside with my dad.”
“It’s beautiful,” she breathes, hazel eyes alight with admiration. They finally flicker up to mine again, and it’s like a punch to the gut. Damnit, I want her to look at me the way she just looked at this bike.
“As soon as I can drive, I’m getting one of these,” I declare with a lift of my chin.
She smiles softly, reaching up to tuck a loose strand of hair behind her ear. “Me too.”
“No need, you can ride on the back of mine,” I offer, lips peeling back in a smug grin. A new image starts to take life in my mind– one of me whipping around a curve on this motorcycle, River’s arms tightening around my waist as she whoops with excitement…
Her brows pinch together, her own visions clearly not aligning with my own. “What? No way!” River objects, shaking her head adamantly. “I’m gonna have one of my own.”