Page 33 of Spring's Descent
Even with all the evidence set before me, when Aidoneus draped his arm around my waist and led me forward, I didn’t resist.
The pool was big enough to fit four or five people easily, but I knew the two of us would still somehow feel…crowded. The edges were more red than black and smoothed over time. There were hard planes of the shiny stone among the columns of sediment, reflecting the inviting waters of the pool back at us from half-a-dozen surfaces. Steam rose as we crept toward it, beckoning me to ignore all remaining shreds of decorum and sink into the waters.
And why shouldn’t I?
First, Mother insisted I be Cyrus’s whore. Next, I was supposedly betrothed to the evilest being in The Underworld. I hadn’t spoken vows of loyalty to Hades or any other person for that matter. Nor would I.
Aidoneus claimed balance needed to be restored and that I was somehow an integral part of that, but demons lied. This was a tale as old as time. A demon scheming a soul. If the ultimate wielder of death magic sought to balance his destructive magic, he wouldn’t destroy my world every chance he got. He also wouldn’t bother with an essentially powerless witch.
But Aidoneus had acted like that wasn’t the case, either.
Glancing down at Aidoneus’s extended hand, I thought back to each time we’d touched. Somethinghad caused the spike of electricity between us. It had felt different than the subtle bursts of life magic I’d sensed before. Every flicker of my power had been after sex, but even a subtle brush of our skin felt much stronger. It probably had something to do with his magic, the seducing powers of a demon were always hard to pinpoint, but if it were, in fact,mypower, I would do everything I could to help it grow.
Including playing the good little witch in Aidoneus’s story.
Squaring my shoulders, I met his heated gaze unflinchingly and placed my hand in his. He led us past the first few pools to the larger one in the back.
“You seem like you’ve been here before,” I said, marveling at the black and red crystal making up the cavern.
Aidoneus’s lips quirked into a lopsided grin as he tossed his ripped tunic to the floor. “I’ve been here a time or two. Lucky for you, I know which paths are safe.”
“I would imagine there are a lot of things that are deadly in The Underworld,” I said.
“Most things,” he nodded as his fingers worked the ties of his pants. “But this mountain pass in particular has tunnels leadingto all sorts of places, most of which aren’t as comforting as The Realm of the Living.”
“The tunnels lead to other realms?” I heard myself ask, but my attention was fixed on the way Aidoneus’s thumbs dug beneath his waistband, slowly sliding the fabric down to reveal more of those delicious tattoos.
“Are you enjoying the show, little witch?” His voice was low, but my pet name came out more rasp than words.
“Yes,” I breathed. My cheeks heated, but I stood my ground, glancing up to find his pupils blown wide.
“Good,” he smirked, sliding the rest of his pants down.
My gaze dipped, taking in his powerful frame before staring at his cock already half hard and reaching to mid-thigh. Gods above, the size of that thing was alarming. It was more likely to split me in two than deliver any pleasure. Maybe I didn’t need a bath after all.
“Don’t underestimate yourself,” he said, gripping the base and giving his length a stroke. I licked my lips as I watched a bead of come appear at the tip, wondering what it would taste like. He groaned. “I’m going to watch as you come undone around my cock, delighting in the way you scream my name.”
“I think you’re getting ahead of yourself,” I said, forcing my gaze up, even as my breasts heaved and my pulse raced, but I couldn’t stop my thighs from clenching or the slickness gathering between them, none of which went unnoticed by Aidoneus.
“I plan on fucking you into oblivion, little witch. Over and over until you can’t tell when one orgasm ends and the next begins. Until you understand that all of you—your mind, body, and your beautiful fucking soul—belong to me.”
The spacebetween us grew charged, the air already humming with magic. Shadows swirled toward me, leaving whispers of kisses along my arms, trailing up my legs. I fought back a moan as they teased between my thighs, wanting nothing more than to give in to him. A simple brush of our skin already sent shock waves through me. I could only imaging how explosive the power between us would be if we fucked.
With my breathing heavy, I met Aidoneus’s black gaze, his pupils completely eclipsing the blue. There was no doubt in my mind he would make good on his threats. If I did this, if I took one more step with the demon before me, he would own me.
“Stop denying yourself what you want,” Aidoneus rumbled as his shadows slipped beneath the thin fabric.
Gods above, Ididwant this.
And why shouldn’t I take what I wanted? It would bemydecision. I would give myself to Aidoneus not because I was forced to or because the fates deemed it so. This wouldn’t be like taking a lover to spite my mother or even to get a glimpse of my powers. This was about giving myself permission to make a choice and not feel guilty about it.
I’d worry about my conscience tomorrow, but right now, I intended to have a night full of uninhibited sex, free from judgment and shame.
Swallowing against the dryness in my mouth, I stepped forward.