Page 78 of Spring's Descent
Voices came from the hall, forcing me to abandon my efforts. I dropped into a sitting position, pressing my back against the crack that I’d formed a moment before they entered.
“Look what we have here.” The arrogant tone of Cyrus’s voice grated on my nerves, but I forced my chin up as he came into view. His long blond hair was tied back, highlighting his sharp cheekbones and pale skin. He wore a dark green tunic and matching pants with his sword hanging from his hip—the closest thing to battle leathers that I’d seen him in.
He wanted my fear. Like Demeter, he was used to controlling others by it. He was nothing but a green witch—a grounder. I should have been able to stand a chance even if my powers weren’t fully awakened.
The amused smile splashed across his face shifted to rage as his light blue eyes landed on the shimmering crown upon my head. I didn’t want to fear Cyrus. Or Demeter. I wanted to provethat they hadn’t broken me, that I was a witch—a queen to The Underworld—and capable of handling so much more than them. But the unfiltered hatred blaring down at me through Cyrus’s eyes had my pulse quickening, despite myself.
“Ruby was right. Our little Korae is nothing but a filthy whore.”
“My name is Persephone.”
“I see you’ve been listening to Hades’s lies,” Cyrus scoffed. “Your mother was right to keep you away from him?—”
“That bitch is not my mother,” I seethed, jumping to my feet. My heartbeat thundered in my ears as my vision spotted, but I planted my feet and glared at Cyrus with every ounce of hatred I could muster. “She’s the reason magic between The Realm of the Living and The Underworld is out of balance.Demeteris the reason death magic has attacked countless towns, killed hundreds of innocents.”
Cyrus barked a laugh, the harsh sound echoing off the stone walls. “You’re crazier than I thought. The Dark Faction drains life from The Realm of the Living, Korae. You’re just too stupid to realize Hades used you.”
“No,” I breathed, feeling the sting of my magic gather at my fingertips, only the power felt different. It felt colder, like the type of burn that only comes from the darkest, bitterest frost. “Hades has been trying to save our realms.”
“He told you what you wanted to hear to convince you to fuck him,” Cyrus snapped.
“I didn’t need convincing.”
“You fucking whore,” snarled Cyrus, baring his teeth as he gripped the hilt of his sword. It looked like he meant to silence me once and for all.
“Don’t,” a feminine voice said. Her fingers appeared from the shadows behind Cyrus, wrapping around his wrist to stop him from drawing his blade.
A chill ran down my spine as my stomach twisted. I’d expected to see the tear-drop diamond along Ruby’s wrist, the dark tendrils of her hair, but her wrist was bare. A swath of forest-green fabric covered her body, the hood drawn low to conceal her identity. The same cloak I’d seen dozens of times. Instinctively, I took a step back on trembling legs, my body seeming to process what my mind refused to believe.
“She’s been bewitched by Lord Hades, but she may yet be useful.”
“No,” I whispered as her voice washed over me. A voice that had promised to run away with me. One that had sacrificed herself toprotectme.
“I can feel her power already. Despite marriage being off the table, she might yet pledge her gifts to the Earth Coven, strengthening us against The Dark Faction.”
She waited for Cyrus to nod, for his blue eyes tinged with the same glazed look I’d seen on a dozen others when she used her forbidden gifts.
And then the hood fell back, and Lark turned to face me.
“Hello, Persephone.”
“Lark?” Her name left my lips as she turned. Umber curls tumbled free as her pleading hazel eyes met mine. Here I was racked with guilt for not saving her, and all the while Lark had been working with Cyrus. Gods above, did that mean she’d been working with Demeter this entire time, too? “Have you been spying on me?”
“Finally catching up, are you?” Cyrus sneered over Lark’s shoulder, his hand still gripped on the hilt of his sword.
The unbridled hatred in his eyes should worry me. Nothing was as dangerous as a self-righteous narcissus who knew he would avoid any and all consequences for his actions. Though I’d wed Hades, our thread was not yet sealed. I was still mortal.
A flick of Cyrus’s wrist, a well-placed strike, and I’d be done. But death—returning to The Underworld as a spirit—might be preferable to knowing that my entire relationship with Lark had been a lie. A set up from Demeter to keep me in line.
All those times we’d snuck out, the late nights we’d spent talking, divulging our deepest, most earnest wishes for what our lives might one day be if we could escape the coven and carve out a bit of happiness in this lifetime. All of it—had been a lie. Aploy devised by Demeter to better control me. Lark’s gentleness and kind words had been nothing more than kindling for my birthday pyre set to light in a few hours.
I’d been entirely alone my whole life without a soul who’d loved me.
Except for Hades.