Page 80 of Spring's Descent
With that, Cyrus dashed from the room. Lark slumped against the bars of my cell, evidence of how powerful that spell must have been.
Before she could think of running, I wrapped my arm around her neck and squeezed.
“Tellme what the fuck is going on, Lark,” I said, easing up on the pressure around her throat so that she could answer.
“Gods above, Persephone.” Lark tapped on my forearm that was currently pressed against her larynx. “When did you get so aggressive.”
“When my only friend compelled me away from my husband in the middle of the night and then delivered me to a coven intent on murdering me.” I seethed, tightening my grip and forcing her shoulders back. “Especially after learning Ruby, in fact, wasn’t killed by Demeter. Like you, she’s been apparently plotting my death for years.”
The silence stretched between us for a long moment before she spoke. “The key to your cell is in my left pocket. Cyrus won’t be gone for long, and I can see we have a lot to talk about.”
My pulse was rapid and weak, and my vision had started to spot, but I kept my forearm around her neck as I slipped my other hand into her pocket. A key was there, just as she said. “Open it.”
She turned; her cheek pressed to the bars as her fingers worked the metal into the lock. There was a click and the door swung open.
Lark looked at me for the first time, her eyes snagging on the stain of blood that matted my hair and dripped down the side of my face, before shifting to the golden crown shimmering across my head. It was faint, a ghost of what it would be, but it was all the proof she needed.
“Did he force you?”
I made to move out of the cell, but she stepped in front of me, blocking my path. My aching muscles tensed for a fight, despite being on the verge of passing out. Cyrus could return any moment with Ruby and Demeter in tow. If I was still here when they arrived, I wouldn’t survive.
“Hades didn’t force me to do anything.Youdid.”
She flinched, the reflexive movement causing my brows to furrow.
“I did use the necklace to channel my compulsion,” Lark started. I lifted my chin, pressing my lips shut as I waited for her to continue. I was wasting time listening to her, but I needed to understand why she’d betrayed me. “And I did compel you to return to The Realm of the Living.”
“Were you ever a friend to me? Do you even really have a sister or was that a lie, too?”
“Yes,” Lark breathed, and I wanted to believe her. “The things we talked about, our hopes for the future, that was all real. But… Demeter did have me spy on you.”
My nostrils flared as that icy fire tingled along the pads of my fingers. Lark lifted a brow at the display of magic, hastily rushing through her explanation.
“I only ever told her what I needed to in order to keep my sister alive. IhateDemeter. And Cyrus. I hate all of them more than you can imagine. If you believe nothing else, believe that.” Her chest heaved as she held my gaze.
“Then why drag me back here knowing I’ll be killed?” My voice broke as the extent of her betrayal sunk in. “You may like getting fucked by Cyrus, but I sure as shit?—”
“Don’t you dare judge me,” Lark snapped, anger and humiliation flashing across her face. “You have no idea what I’ve had to do to survive here, to win back their trust while you were playing princess in The Underworld.”
Her cheeks flared a deep red, her eyes blazing. My heart cracked as I felt the truth of her words ring in the air between us. I wanted to comfort her, the way I might have done if we were still friends, but she’d brought me here to be slaughtered. Whatever we had once had, I could no longer trust her.
“They showed me where the ground had split. Where Hades had taken you. All the stories said he was pure evil. Even my mother’s family warned against his ruthlessness.” Lark frowned, her gaze flicking up to my crown. “I thought I was saving you from a worse fate. I can see now that I was wrong.”
“You’re saying you did this for my own good?” I laughed, the humorless sound hanging between us.
“Partly. But I would have brought you back even if I’d known you were happy.”
“Unbelievable,” I huffed, attempting again to leave. Lark blocked me. Despite the amount of magic she’d used, she looked like she could go a few more rounds.
“For my sister to live. To be free of Demeter, I’d sell my body and soul ten times over.”
The silence stretched between us as the air buzzed with magic. Irritation shifted to unease as I realized she wasn’t going to let me out of here.
“Lark, listen to me.” My pulse was racing, the ache in my head pounding with each beat, but I couldn’t afford to appear weak. Not when it looked like Lark was seconds away from following through on her promise to Demeter. “As soon as mymagic is awakened, we can take on Demeter together. I’ll help you find your sister. Hades will help, too.”