Page 24 of Gifted to the Alien Prince
His words stung.Didn’t want to disturb me?As though I were a delicate thing, left behind by the fire while he risked himself out there. Frustration flared in my chest, tangled with fear. I clenched my fists, trying to steady myself.
“We should go after them,” I murmured, half to myself.
“We?” Cryostrum’s hand shot out to block my path, his touch light but firm. “Don’t be foolish. You won’t make it far in the forest with that thin human skin. Let the prince handle this.”
Before I could shoot back some very undiplomatic words to the royal advisor, the massive palace doors burst open, the wind whipping through the entryway. My breath caught in my throat.
Thadron strode in, his figure stark against the swirling snow beyond. His hair was wild and damp with snow, his jaw set with determination as he helped his brother who limped into the room alongside him.
Relief swept through me so swiftly my knees nearly shook. Lucian was pale, but alive.
Thadron’s gaze found mine, and for a moment, the world stilled. His eyes were deep with exhaustion and resolve.
I ran to them. The guards didn’t stop me. “Thank goodness you both are okay.”
Thadron’s shoulders relaxed a fraction. “We found him in time. Thanks to you.”
I was genuinely confused. “I didn’t do anything. I was in bed, asleep.”
“You told me about a gift once, and how I had the ability to share it with others.”
I understood at that moment. I nodded, a lump forming in my throat. Words failed me, but my hand found his, and he squeezed it.
The queen and her entourage gathered near us. The crown prince laughed, making me think he left his mind back somewhere in a snow drift. His sprained ankle, an angry shade against his blue-grey skin, seemed to bother everyone else more than it did him.
"Sorry for the scare, everyone. Guess I've always been too adventurous for my own good," He quipped, wincing as he favored his injured limb. He threw an arm around Thadron's shoulders, their brotherly bond evident even in this casual gesture of gratitude. "Couldn't have braved the forest without Thadron here. We Glaciarians are tough, but sometimes we need a hand—or a shoulder."
Amidst the chuckles and murmurs of agreement, Lucian raised his voice to carry over the crowd, "Now, why don't you all grab a drink? Let's warm our spirits before the gift exchange tonight." His command was gentle, yet everyone dispersed with a sense of eagerness, eager for the excitement and alcohol to dispel the tension of the morning's events.
The hall emptied swiftly. I noticed Cryostrum was gone without having talked to the princes when they arrived. I caught Thadron's eye just as he eased Lucian into the care of a palacemedic. Our gazes held a silent conversation filled with relief and something more tender.
"Come with me, please.” I motioned and led him down another corridor. The walls here whispered of ancient winters. We arrived at a narrow alcove.
"I used to hide here during the Starlight Songfests when everything got too loud," he confessed, a soft smile touching his lips.
"Thadron," I began, my words treading the line between joy and concern, "I'm so glad you and Lucian are safe." In that secluded space, I reached up to place a kiss on his cheek.
He turned to me, his eyes reflecting the subtle glow that emanated from the walls. The world beyond our hidden corner might have been spinning with preparations, but here, time seemed to slow, allowing us to savor the quiet before the celebration.
“Isa, I’m sorry.” He stood before me. "I should have told you what was happening. You shouldn’t have had to wake up alone, wondering."
"Yet I did," I countered softly, my voice betraying the tremor of concern that had gripped me when I found his side of the bed cold and empty. "What made you think I wouldn't be worried?"
"I made the wrong decision," he admitted, capturing my hand and drawing it close to his chest. "I care about you. You deserved to know what was going on. I won't make that mistake again."
Listening to him, I detected something more profound in his words. Or maybe I was reaching for what could never happen. "You talk like you might want me around past this assignment.” My pulse flared like the distant stars above the palace’s spires.
His fingers tightened around mine. "I hope this isn't our last winter festival together.”
I heard his words, and was suddenly remembering others, more ambiguous words, that were spoken by someone else.
"Isa?” Thadron searched my face. "You still seem uneasy. Is there something else?"
I paused, knowing how deeply the roots of loyalty grew within the royal family and the people closest to them. Still, I couldn’t ignore the discomfort planted in my mind. "I have a bad feeling about Cryostrum." My words tumbled out with an urgency I couldn't shut down. "I know he's been with your family for years, and he's an advisor and all, but something about him just doesn't sit right with me."
A flicker of shadow crossed Thadron's face. “I will hear anything you tell me. Go on. Please.”
My heart still racing from the conversation, I drew in a deep breath. "Earlier, while you were out in the forest, I saw Cryostrum in the halls." I started out soft as if speaking louder might summon the advisor himself. "He was alone, and right before he noticed me, he stuffed something into his pocket. I don't know what it was, but it seemed strange."