Page 29 of The King

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Page 29 of The King

Electricity skittered up his arm, down his spine, and emanated into every fiber of his being. His heart skipped a beat, then returned with a renewed vigor, pounding in sync with hers. It was just like every story he'd ever heard, every Mating he'd ever witnessed, the promise he'd been given by Destiny, only it was so much better because it was HIS Mate. It was their time – their happily ever after.

Then she opened her mouth, and he knew his fairy tale would not go as it had been foretold. She did not see him as her Prince Charming – yet.

"Look, Puss in Boots, take one more step, and I'm gonna neuter you the hard way. I'm no damsel in distress. I don't need saving. I got that handled in spades."

Although he stepped back, the King of the Big Cats was not deterred. He was actually excited and thrilled with the challenge. After all, the Hunt was a Panther's best friend. She was truly made for him, to complement him in ways he'd never imagined and complete not only him but also Casimiro. Max knew beyond all doubt that she was his, and he was hers. He also knew there was no need to rush her. They had an eternity to be together. If Bridgette wasn't ready, then he could wait. Maximillian Prentice was nothing if not patient…

But after decades of waiting, his patience had come to an end. He'd seen her in all manner of peril and always marveled at her prowess, strength, and fearlessness. What an unstoppable couple they would be. It was time to get his Bridgette, bring her home, and make her his forever. He could feel the Mating Bond they shared growing stronger – and knew with all his heart that she felt it, too. Over the course of the last three days, there had been times it had waned, moments where the Light in the base of his soul had to reach farther, work harder, and hold on tighter to be sure she didn't drift away – but that was no more.

Whatever was happening, his Mate, Bridgette Morrigan Featherstone, was retaking her control, reasserting her dominance, and calling to him whether she knew it or not. And there was absolutely no way he would let her down.

Walking towards the doors through which Kyran and Caitlyn had just entered, he motioned to Creed. Together, they stepped onto the terrace. Standing side-by-side with the Paladin Leader, the King waved his hand in a counterclockwise circular motion, and the two unstoppable Beings opened a portal large and powerful enough to transport their entire group to the desert at the Texas/Mexican border.

“You’ve got quite the party here,”the Paladin Leader telepathically chuckled. “There’s more of us here than I usually take when we raid an enemy stronghold.”

“Ah, but in that case, you and your Paladins are not rescuing your Mate, Mi Hermamo.”

“No, not even close.”

Turning around, Max took one final look at each person he thought of as Family, those who had come to his aid in his time of need and wholeheartedly appreciated, "Thank you all so very much. I cannot tell you what it means to me that each of you is here and willing to fight a foe we know little about to bring my Bridgette home. I will never be able to thank you…"

“We need na cheers, Brother. Yer enemies ur ours juist as ours hae aye bin yours,” Kyran proudly announced. “Noo, let’s goo end th' tyranny o' th' O’Baoills wance 'n' fur a'.”

No one could make a point like the Black Dragon. Even before a hundred years of captivity at the hands of evil Wizards, then Tariq O'Baoill, and finally his horrific daughter, Eve, Kyran had always been a man of few words with infinite depth and meaning. Regardless of their enemy, he rallied the troops, led the march, and fought to the bitter end. Max couldn't imagine what a blow it had been to hear yet another O'Baoill had started a reign of terror on the Paranormal Community. Thankfully, he had his Mate, Caitlin, who had done more to heal his heart and soul in the last seven years than anyone or anything else ever could.

With a single nod, the King turned back and stepped into the swirling vortex. Walking forward until Casamiro signaled,“Everyone’s in,”Max closed the entrance and, along with Creed, pushed copious amounts of Magic into the path from La Palacio de Gato Grande to the coordinates Declan had discovered in the Chihuahuan Desert.

It was as if no time at all had passed when what had been the back of the portal at the beginning of their journey was now the exit. Opening wide, the hot, dry breeze washed over the King. Inhaling deeply, Max instantly picked out the smoky scent of a MacAllen Dragon and the woodsy aroma of his Mate, Maggie Mae.

Stepping out onto the scorching sands, Max faced the southwest just as a deep rolling baritone with a slow Texas drawl called out, "Welcome to the Chihuahuan Desert where it's hotter than Hell itself, and there's more MacAllen Dragons per capita than any other place in the world."

Before Max could reply, Maggie Mae ran right up to him, swatted him on the arm, pulled him into a warm, welcoming hug, and cooed, "How you holdin' up, Max?" Not waiting for an answer, which was pretty much how things always went with either of the Sampson Twins, the Alpha She-Wolf loosened her grip and stepped back. Looking up at him, she reassured, "You know Brigette is just fine. Hell, she's probably already kickin' ass, and sure she'll be home before we ever get there."

“I know you are right,” the King agreed. “And I thank you for being such a good friend to her.”

"Well, that's the easy part," she smiled. Then, leaning in, she shyly added, "You still sure we shouldn't call her cousins."

"Not necessary," Claire answered, walking from the back of the group. Holding out her hand, she shook the She-Wolf's. "I'm Claire, her cousin, and …"

“Oh, my Great Goddess,” Maggie gasped. “You’re the Phoenix – Bridgette’s cousin. Patting the back of their joined hands, she added with a wink, “Ettie told me all about you and all of your cousins. She’s gonna be so glad you’re here.”

"Well, you know Ettie, she'll probably tell me there was no need for me to come, that she had it all under control." With a quick laugh shared with the She-Wolf, she added, "And as for the others, I told them all what was happening. They'll be ready if I call." With a wink, she added, "I know all too well how too many cooks spoil the stew, and my cousins tend to be a bit bossy."

“A bit?” Rory burst out laughing. “That’s an understatement.”

“King Max?” Declan interrupted. “We need to go. There is a…”

Cut off by a massive surge of Divine Power that the King instantly recognized as belonging to the Celtic God of the Sun, his eyes flew to Claire's. Nodding, she confirmed what he already knew but added something significant. "Yep, that was dad. But he's not here physically. That blast wasn't strong enough to be anything other than a telepathic transfer."

"No matter what it is, we need to go," Max growled through gritted teeth. He knew his eyes were glowing green, and his pupils had elongated into the shape of the Panther with whom he shared his soul. The tenuous grip he had on his legendary control was about to snap. He had to get to Bridgette.

“I agree, Sir,” Juan Carlos answered, appearing at his side with the face of the Golden Panther with whom he shared his soul superimposed over his own. “The blast originated somewhere under that pointed mountain peak.”

"The one shaped like an Eagle's Claw?" Maggie gasped. "The one they call Garra de Águila?" Maggie gasped. "That's some serious terrain – and a one helluva coincidence."

"And that is the exact longitude and latitude where all the supplies were delivered for Selgair, Inc.," Declan stated.

“Then that is where we shall go,” the King announced.

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