Page 11 of Uncovered By the Alien Commander
“Oh, that’s Triandale, our Security Officer,” Kaanus replies, his tone brisk as he increases his pace.He’s hiding something.
“This Triandale eyes me like I’ve shat in his bed,” I glare down at Kaanus, eager to see his reaction. “Is he going to be an issue?”
Kaanus lets out a deep sigh. “He’s sore about the Scythian conquest of his people.” He shrugs his shoulders as he continues along the corridor. “But I’ve spoken to him already. He’ll not trouble you.”
Is that so?I’ve seen that look before and it always precedes trouble. I recall fighting in the conquest of the Gorglaxians almost a hundred years ago; it had been a glorious and brutal war. The Gorglaxians had fought with a heroic stubbornness to defend their homeland using their strange graviton technology. But we fought harder still, and they broke before our strength.
The bridge becomes clear up ahead as sunlight streams into the cramped space through the viewport. Kaanus leads us to the right, and already the low hum of an engine being prepped for launch reaches my ears. The hairs on the back of my neck stand on end at the sensation of being watched or stalked nearby. I sweep my gaze over the corridor and catch a flicker of black hair disappearing under the gangway. Some sort of infiltration of furry varmints onboard? Or...
“Are there other crew members onboard?” I ask, growing curious.
Kaanus freezes in place, his smile melting away. “One,” he answers, giving nothing away.
This Captain is full of secrets.“Does this ‘one’ hide beneath gangways with black hair, like a spirit haunting your ship?” I prod as my eyes study the Captains with intent.
But it’s Hyanxa who responds with a scoff. “Little sneaky Tyrxie from the maintenance crew.” She nods her head in our direction before continuing. “You can mate her if you have the need. That’s all she’s good for,” she adds, her gaze piercing Kaanus, who stiffens as if struck, his fists clenching.
Oh? What’s this vipertails nest I’ve stumbled upon, a little shake of the tree to see the full extent of the infestation?“It’s been months since we’ve laid with a female!” I exclaim with feigned excitement, gesturing towards Logarn and Noroth. “We can take turns.” I lean towards Kaanus, whispering as his face twists with anger. “Noroth has the tendency to frighten the poor females away. He can be... ferocious in his lust.”
Kaanus explodes with rage, his body trembling in his fury. “She belongs to me, you hear?” he roars, jabbing an accusing finger at me. “I didn’t keep her, for you or anybody else to spoil.”
I show placating hands, struggling to suppress a smirk, as Hyanxa snarls and slaps Kaanus across the face like a barbed whip. “You voiding bastard!” She screams, pushing past us in a hurry to leave, her eyes brimming with tears.
This is much more interesting than I suspected.Kaanus shakes his head as he takes a deep breath, his anger transforming into sorrow and regret. I give him a reassuring pat on the back that almost knocks him over. “Females, eh?” I remark, grinning.
Kaanus rubs his cheek, now shining with extra blueness. “Yeah... females,” he mutters, his voice a whisper.
I laugh, draping my arm around his shoulder. “Ah, cheer up, Captain Kaanus.” Noticing the fourth-generation Elerium hyperdrive behind him. “I’ve decided to hire your fine ship and your... questionable crew.”
“Wonderful,” Kaanus replies, though he doesn’t appear very excited.
But I am.
Chapter 5
Did the tall onespot me?I scurry down the gangway, crawling on hands and knees, my breath haggard with haste and fear. I was so careful not making a noise, holding my breath during moments of silence, but still he noticed me somehow.
There’s no hiding now.
Navigating the gangway, I don’t know my destination, only that I must get away from them. The three giant male Klendathians. Nothing prepared me for what I saw, not even our Security Officer’s warnings. Their leader, the one with the green hair, is as tall as the towering Triandale and wider than Quad. The red-haired one sends shivers down my spine with his face flattened, framed by large pointy ears that are bumpy andmisshapen. He’s wider than the others, with a thick neck like cords of arcweave and a face that’s a canvas of violence.
My knife and pistol won’t be enough.
The young one with blond hair was the least frightening until I saw his eyes. Brown orbs of ice devoid of emotions. He’s like a droid given life. My thumb traces the knife’s handle, wondering how it would even penetrate their thick armor. They strode with the confidence of practiced killers, as terrifying as their masks which dangle from their belted waists.
Even Kaanus cowed before them and appeared tiny in comparison, a chilling thought. Despite their reddish skin, a peculiar realization comes to me... the monsters look similar to me. Among all the alien species I’ve encountered, Argorians like the Captain are the closest match, until now.
Am I a monster?
My breath is ragged as I continue to skulk away from them. I’m near the crew quarters now, although it’s hard to be certain in my panic. A dark shadow cast into the corner looks inviting and safe as I press my back against it, merging with the darkness. Catching my breath, I clutch the locket buried in my pocket. Its polished smoothness is calming.If they look similar to me, maybe they know of my people?
No, it’s too dangerous to ask.
Their leader, the one with the red fur cape draped over one shoulder, his face smooth and unblemished, with a strong jawline and full lips like mine. He was quick to smile, lighting up his face with a welcoming softness that almost makes me curious.Is he handsome? I’ve never encountered anyone like him before.But his sparkling golden eyes frighten me, mirroring Hyanxa’s—the eyes of a sadist.