Page 40 of Uncovered By the Alien Commander
“Excellent.” Noroth kicks back even further at her words., almost horizontal now. “Second warrior down!” He declares with a laugh as Love Shanks and I exit the booth. “May the ancestors guide you!”
“Have fun, you three!” I call back to the group, as the voluptuous Tuskarian leads me with a tender hand through the eatery, glancing over her supple shoulder with a seductive smile beckoning me onward like a znat to a flame.
May the ancestors guide me between her inviting thighs.
Chapter 17
The lift hurtles throughthe crystal spire, which forms the beating heart of Omega Flux Station. Dazzling hues flash and meld at an incredible speed as they whizz past us. The effect should mesmerize, but I only experience a trembling nauseousness which threatens my resolve as I’m tempted to return to the ship in meek surrender.
Trapped in space alone until the day I die.
A tense silence permeates the cramped enclosure, our limited space consumed by Quad and his hover platform loaded with trade goods from Klendathor. But it’s the scoomer hidden on Quad’s person, which we are traveling to sell, somewhere on the residential tier. A trade that has the Captain and Hyanxaon edge. Both stand, inspecting their weapons with serious expressions, prompting me to do the same.
Examining my arcweave pistol, the black metal gleams in the iridescent light, yet the weapon is less than inspiring. Its narrow chamber is evidence of its meager caliber and limited ammunition capacity. My trusty knife hangs at my waist, but what good is a blade if serious trouble occurs?
Job’s antennae twitches and flutters as his beady eyes scan our actions. I assume he’s thinking the same as me, as he retrieves a... plasma grinder from his jacket.What did he bring that for?His skittering arms make quick adjustments, tweaking settings and separating the nozzle from its body.
“This trade, like one on Terminus Exile Station? Yes?” Job inquires, his focus fixed on his modifications.
Kaanus shudders, his scales shimmering amongst the dancing light. “I hope not, Job. But like I said, be prepared for anything,” he replies with a glance towards me, a look of surprise spreading over his face. “Is that all you have, Tyrxie, a tiny pistol?” he asks.
I twirl the weapon on my finger before holstering it in a smooth motion. “Yeah, but I’m an excellent shot.”
Hyanxa scoffs, her tone potent acid. “This isn’t targeting practice in Triandale’s armaments store.” She twirls her own two boxy-shaped automatic guns with short barrels before leveling them at me. “If real fighting starts, you’ll soil yourself like the frightened little bitch I know you are.” I recoil at her words and the menacing gleam in her golden eyes as she continues to aim her guns at me.
She knows me too well and I hate her for it.
“Give her one of your guns, my love,” Kaanus commands, gesturing towards me with his own bulky plasma rifle that sizzles and hums with ominous intent.
“Void that! I’m not wasting my gun on the useless bitch,” Hyanxa retorts, her disdain dripping from every word like venom.
Kaanus releases a deep sigh in response, but he doesn’t push further, and I expect no less. Meanwhile, I notice out of the corner of my eye Mod reaching for his vial of oil, which he had hidden earlier in Quad’s trousers with a sly hand. Quad appears oblivious, humming to himself as Mod’s deft hand slides the jar out, his beady eyes locked with laser focus.
Mod breathes a sigh of relief as he clutches his prize within his many arm limbs, before retrieving the Venomizer hidden within his long coat. He loads the vial with haste, into the canister with twitching limbs and excited twirling antennae. He halts as he notices me staring. “Maybe chance to experiment with toxins. No?”
I just want to escape.
I nod with eyes downcast, hoping I can sneak off before this dangerous trade can take place. The jarring halting of the lift steals my attention as the radiant doors slide open to reveal an expansive area unlike the second tier.
This immense space lacks the blinding lights from the countless illuminating drones from the previous tier. As I scan overhead at the green protective dome, I can only see a handful of the darting drones.
Colossal buildings stretch upwards for miles, each an exact replica of the other, spreading out as far as the eye can see. Each structure resembles a white hair upon a cosmic beast’s furry hide. The effect takes my breath away, not because of its beauty, but the soul-crushing sameness on a scale I can’t comprehend. The residents express their agreement by adorning each pale building with vibrant graffiti, the only color in the sea of blandness.
“Voiding void!” Kaanus exclaims as his unreadable white eyes scan the oppressive surroundings. “This is going to be like finding a working brain cell in Quad’s head.”
“Pfft! My head just fine. You, the one that drags us here,” Quad spits out in shocked annoyance, though he is right. This is Kaanus’ fault—It’s almost always his fault.
Kaanus doesn’t respond but casts a nervous glance beyond the lift to the numerous guards dressed in the same glittering multicolored uniforms as the inspector. Hovering near them are the frightening weapon drones that buzz and twitch, all facing towards the nauseating expanse of sameness.
However, they only question and inspect those who seek to exit this tier, not those entering. “Come, they won’t bother us,” Kaanus reassures, echoing my thoughts. As he strides forward, his attention is fixed on his wrist console. In his distraction, he forgets to keep me close, filling me with a sense of relief. I slow my pace, hoping to blend into the surroundings and slip away unnoticed into this sea of repetition.
They could never find me here, like endless mirrors reflecting on themselves.
Yet, Hyanxa dashes my budding hopes as she seizes me by the upper arm with her rough hands. “Come here, you sneaky little bitch,” she snarls down at me, her grip tight as she drags me along beside Kaanus, squashing any chance of evading their watchful eyes. “Up front where I can see you.”